The wire pierced the heart of a 5-year-old. Cardiac surgeons saved his life

The dramatic story of a five-year-old boy with a happy ending. The child was next to mum mowing the grass. At one point, she began to cry, and a wound appeared in the area of ​​her heart. It turned out that the mower hit a wire mesh while working, and a fragment of it pierced the 5-year-old’s heart like an arrow. The boy’s life was saved by the lightning action of rescuers and doctors.

  1. While the mower was working, the heart of a 5-year-old boy was pierced with a few centimeters of wire
  2. At first no one realized what had happened
  3. He told mom something was stabbing him. There was a small trace of blood on the T-shirt, and a scratch on the skin – said Krystyna Kornacka from the Foundation “We have a heart”
  4. More current health information can be found on the Onet homepage

The wire pierced the heart of a 5-year-old

A few days ago, a 5-year-old boy with a wire in his heart came to the Cardiac Surgery Clinic of the Institute of Polish Mother’s Health Center in Łódź. The case was described by the “We Have a Heart” Foundation.

«The boy’s mother was mowing the grass with a lawn mower. My son wanted to run up to her and when he was still a few meters away, the mower suddenly seemed to hit a stone. The child started crying and it turned out that he had a wound on the left side, near the ribs. As the boy’s condition suddenly worsened, help was called. After a quick diagnosis, it turned out that the boy had a wire in his heart. He was immediately transported by helicopter to the ICZMP in Łódź for cardiac surgery »- we read in the post on the Foundation’s FB.

The child was saved thanks to the rapid action of an ambulance and the dedication of doctors. It was late in the day, but the cardiac surgeons were still at work because they had recently completed an earlier operation that lasted many hours.

The chamber was pierced in two places

She revealed in an interview with TVN24 how the wound seemed to be harmless. Krystyna Kornacka from the Foundation “We have a heart”.

The boy was about five meters away from his mother and the mower. He told mom something was stabbing him. There was a small trace of blood on his T-shirt and a scratch on his skin. Mom treated the wound with a slice. But the boy began to turn blue, weaken, faint – she said.

However, the matter turned out to be very serious. A wire was stuck in the boy’s heart, most likely a piece of mesh, 5-6 centimeters long, previously piercing the left ventricle in two places.

What is your heart condition?

Don’t wait – do your research as soon as possible. You can buy the “Heart Control” diagnostic test package at Medonet Market.

– When the ventricle collapses, it’s a few heartbeats and that’s it. Fortunately for this boy, this wire did not penetrate at a great angle and did not make large holes. On the one hand, the muscle has contracted, and on the other, a clot has accumulated around the wire, which was like a stopper and blocked the outflow of blood to the pericardial sac – describes Marek Kopala, head of the Cardiac Surgery Clinic at the Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital – Research Institute.

What was the operation like? The boy was connected to an extracorporeal circulation, and the doctors removed the wire from the heart, which luckily did not destroy the artery, aorta, or valve. The surgery was, according to the cardiac surgeon, routine. After its completion, the patient was given an antibiotic to stop any possible infection. After a few days, he was to return home.

– The boy was extremely unlucky and, at the same time, incredibly lucky – says the doctor.

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