The way you drive can be a sign of illness

While dementia is mainly associated with memory problems, there are other warning signs that should alert you. One area worth looking at is driving behavior, according to a new study published in Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy.

Dementia is a condition where the brain works to deteriorate slowly. There are many different types of this condition, including Alzheimer’s disease. The study of American and Canadian scientists was aimed at determining the link between driving and preclinical Alzheimer’s disease. This term refers to the period when changes in the brain begin to occur but symptoms are not yet experienced.

The way of driving a car was examined

The study looked at the driving habits of 139 people per year. «We followed the natural driving of older drivers with normal cognitive functions for a year using the vehicle’s GPS data logger» explained scientists in “Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy”.

“The findings suggest that GPS driving registration could serve us as an effective and accurate digital biomarker for identifying preclinical disease in the elderly” added.

Research suggests that patients with Alzheimer’s disease drive less well because the disease begins to affect their motor skills. The assumed study model confirmed preclinical changes in 90% of patients. subjects.

This could indicate Alzheimer’s disease

Driving signs that may indicate a preclinical form of Alzheimer’s disease include slower driver response, parking problems, sudden changes of direction and slower driving.

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In addition to changes in driving style, there are also other symptoms that may indicate dementia. Doctors list among them:

  1. memory loss
  2. difficulty concentrating
  3. difficulties in performing daily tasks (e.g. while shopping),
  4. difficulty having a conversation, following a thread, or finding the right word
  5. getting lost in time and place,
  6. mood changes.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, Dr. Agnieszka Bolikowska – the founder of Linguistics, creator of the 6oMethod® method, will tell us about what slow learning is. How to break the language barrier? How to learn to make mistakes? You will learn about this and other aspects of language learning in today’s episode. Listen!

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