The washing machine tears clothes during washing – what to do

If your washing machine is tearing clothes and ruining clothes, you need to take action. First of all, you will have to figure out the causes of the failure, and then fix the problem.

We will talk further about how to do everything yourself, without resorting to the help of a master.

Why does the washing machine tear clothes

Whatever the CMA is – cheap or expensive, compact or full-sized, multifunctional or with a limited list of options, it should not spoil the linen, and even more so – tear it.

If during washing things are torn and crack at the seams, then you have encountered a malfunction. Your task is to determine why it arose in order to properly eliminate it later.

The reasons that the laundry is very torn during washing may be as follows:

  • Things tear themselves with sharp elements.
  • There is minor damage inside the drum, which causes damage to your things.
  • In vertical SMAs, clothing can deteriorate, clinging to protruding elements: plastic chips, springs, and so on.
  • Damage to laundry can occur due to a loose drum.
  • Often tears in clothes are caused by aggressive washing regimes that weaken fabrics.

Important! In some cases, torn spots appear on clothes due to too aggressive chemistry. “Powerful” powders weaken the fabric, so even a regular automatic wash for such things can be the last.

What to do if the machine tears clothes

You yourself perfectly understand that things can become unusable far from being due to breakdowns. Therefore, I would like to save on repairs.

In order not to call the wizard, we suggest that you independently understand the problem and fix it without outside help.

Small objects hit

When washing, sharp objects on clothes should be well hidden: clothes are turned inside out or washed in special covers.

In addition, you need to shake out the clothes every time before washing and check all pockets. Any little thing – from a paper clip to a carnation – can make a hole in a thing. And what are the consequences if small items leave the drum and travel to the tank? You will definitely have more worries – you will have to disassemble the case in order to remove the item.

If you are convinced that there is nothing superfluous on the clothes or in their pockets, and the story repeats itself every time, and you have already begun to darn holes, then the typewriter needs an inspection. A small bolt or other sharp and small object could be stuck in the cuff or drum, which tears the fabric. Examine the entire drum, helping yourself with a flashlight. Walk through each fold of the seal, and you will certainly find the source of permanent holes.

Damaged drum or hatch

If everything is inspected, holes continue to appear, and you do not know what to do – look for a marriage! If you have a horizontal CM, first inspect the drum inside – it may have a burr or chip.

Cunning! Didn’t find a burr? Take old nylon tights, pull them over your hand and drive along the drum until the first puff.

How to get rid of a burr? If the warranty card is still valid, do not waste time – exchange the car or return the money spent on it. It is not a fact that the manufacturers limited themselves to just one marriage, another may later emerge.

And if the washer is not the first year, then try to clean the flaw by taking a sheet of fine sandpaper.

Attention! When stripping, be careful not to scratch the drum. And also think about where this flaw could come from – perhaps it was caused by something serious.

Do you have vertical SMA? If the door of such a machine is slammed too hard, the UBL breaks, which exposes the spring and chips the plastic. They also cling to linen and tear it. In this case, repair is needed: replacement of the blocker. It is better not to use the equipment until you fix the machine.

You can learn more about replacing the UBL in the article “How to replace the lock of a washing machine (UBL)”.

Wrong mode selected

If you are used to washing all your clothes in the same mode, then sooner or later you may encounter holes and tears. By loading delicate fabrics on the “Cotton 90” or even “Synthetic 60” mode, you risk the integrity of the fabric.

Remember that intensive washing and spinning are not suitable for fabrics such as silk, wool and others.

Worn bearings

If the bearings fail, the drum shifts during washing – a large gap is formed, which the rubber seal can no longer cover. As a result, clothes fall into the gap formed, and there it is mercilessly torn.

This is relevant only for machines with horizontal (normal) loading.

Attention! The bearing is the most important part of the CM, therefore, if it is not replaced on time, the machine will become unusable.

In short, the process of replacing bearings looks like this:

  1. Remove all panels (top, back, front).
  2. Parts (counterweights, electric motor, pump, shock absorbers) are disconnected.
  3. The tank is dismantled and disassembled.
  4. Remove bearings and install new ones.

You will find detailed instructions with photos and videos in the article “How to replace bearings in a washing machine.”

We advise you to get down to business only if you are confident in your abilities. If your washing machine model has a glued tank, then you will have to saw it and glue it back. Are you ready for such difficulties?

If yes, then proceed carefully, film the disassembly process on video (to put everything back together) and feel free to change the bearings.

After the repair, your washing machine will no longer tear clothes if you follow the rules of operation.

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