The washing machine does not turn on, does not drain, does not open, leaks

Any housewife at least once, but met with the problem “the washing machine does not work.” In this case, you have to either wash it by hand or take it to the laundry. But in both cases, the inconvenience is guaranteed. Therefore, if the machine does not work properly or does not turn on at all, it is worthwhile to understand the reasons in order to eliminate them.

Washing machine does not work

The breakdown of the washing machine often happens unexpectedly and disrupts the plans for the next washing of the laundry. Before calling the wizard, you can try to find the cause of the problems yourself and even try to fix them.

After you connected the washing machine to the network, the indicator light should light up, but this did not happen. Simply put, the washing machine won’t turn on. The main thing to check is whether the machine is plugged in (it happens that in a hurry we forget to do this) and whether there is current in the network. If after checking it turns out that the washing machine still does not work, it is worth checking the wiring. It is necessary to disconnect the machine from the mains, unscrew the external panels, inspect the terminal clamps. Perhaps the reason is their oxidation, then they need to be cleaned. The power cord may be broken. To identify a defect, it must be replaced. But it is better to entrust this business to professionals.

Another common “symptom” is the washing machine does not open.

A locked door can be caused by a delay in the interlock operation, which continues for a couple of minutes after it is turned off. So you can wait a bit and the problem will disappear by itself. Even if the wash is finished, the door may continue to lock because there is still water in the tub. To do this, the liquid must be drained. It is also recommended to check that the pump is working and that there are no blockages in the pipes. And the last reason – the door lock switch has failed. In this case, you will need to invite specialists to replace him.

Have you decided to wash your laundry and noticed that the washing machine does not drain the water? The reasons can be different. It is possible that the washing program is paused, the drain hose is kinked or clogged, problems with the pump, etc. Before repairing the washing machine, you must de-energize it. On your own, you can check, for example, the filter. It is located at the bottom of the case from the front. During troubleshooting, some water may spill onto the floor. Therefore, it is better to prepare a rag or a small empty container in advance. If the filter is really clogged, then simply clean it of any foreign matter. This procedure can solve the problem you are experiencing.

During or after washing, you notice that the washing machine is leaking and a puddle has formed on the floor. Of course, this problem needs to be addressed. After all, no one wants to wipe the floor after each wash, and even worse to flood the neighbors. The reason for the formation of a puddle from the machine may be a faulty pump, an oil seal, a damaged tank. The process of replacing a tank or oil seal is extremely difficult. And it will be easier to contact a specialist.

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