The war stress psychiatrist: if swearing helps, it should be done

I see no reason why I should not express my anger after the invasion of Ukraine, because expressing my anger over the war helps, for example by invectively targeting the enemy – said psychiatrist Jacek Koprowicz, head of the Mental Health Clinic at the Central Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw.

  1. “This world that has gone mad, however, leads to a situation that these disease entities that were niche or hypothetical in psychiatry are now even the norm” – said Koprowicz
  2. As an example, he gave the adaptation disorders that many of us have after two years of a pandemic and the outbreak of war beyond the eastern border
  3. “We are constantly trying to use the language of diplomacy towards Putin, calling him” Mr. President “, we do not refer to him as a murderer” – noted the psychiatrist
  4. As he emphasized, expressing anger through invectives, also towards Putin, can help us
  5. What’s going on in Ukraine? Follow the broadcast live
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The doctor noted that the images of the bestiality and war crimes of the Kremlin, among others in Bucza and in other cities around Kiev, are evidence of a phenomenon that is difficult to explain. «I have been a psychiatrist for years, but as I studied this psychiatry, certain disease entities were rather hypothetical»— Explained Koprowicz.

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“This world that has gone mad, however, leads to a situation where those disease entities that were niche or hypothetical in psychiatry are now even the norm” – he assessed. “I am thinking of the adaptation disorders that accompany us in the context of an increasingly difficult life, in the face of two years of the pandemic, and since February 24, the invasion of Ukraine” – he noted.

«We do not recognize post-traumatic stress disorder in Poland yet, because it must be a truly traumatic experience reported by the patient. This feeling may apply to, for example, Ukrainian refugees who, while fleeing the criminals, were constantly afraid that a sniper would shoot them or be struck by a bullet »- explained the psychiatrist.

He added that in this case also the so-called time factor. «It causes various symptoms but lasts long enough. If a month or two passes and the patient is still in a terrible mental and physical condition related to the experiences of the war, then one can only speak of the suspicion of the syndrome »- he explained.

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«For now, it’s just too early to talk about post-traumatic stress disorder. I think that – unfortunately – there will be more diagnoses of this disease soon»—Said Koprowicz.

The doctor noted that there are situations, such as the massacres of civilians, in which even a psychiatrist may act out of the box. “I see no reason why I should not express my anger after the invasion of Ukraine, because expressing anger over the war helps, for example by invectively targeting the enemy,” he stressed. “Why should I not say that I am furious with what the murderers are doing in Ukraine?” – Koprowicz asked.

«I do not accept these atrocities, moreover, I do not accept the attitude of democratic countries. I am angry with our democracy for not being able to react when faced with extreme evil. We are constantly trying to use the language of diplomacy towards Putin, calling him “Mr. President” “, the psychiatrist pointed out.

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«On a global scale, Putin is still not referred to as a murderer. For example, I call Putin the “red carcass.” Still, however, expressions that show respect for the bandit are used»- he pointed. “I repeat, expressing anger through invectives, also towards Putin, can help us” – assessed Koprowicz. “Some companies running social networks turned a blind eye to such invectives against Putin and the army, recognizing that this way of expressing frustration is better than its other, perhaps more radical, form,” he said.

The doctor admitted that He recently said in public that the leader is mentally ill. «Other psychiatrists said that they were unable to diagnose Putin’s mental illness because they had not conducted research because they had too little data. I also have little data, but nothing is right here »- he argued. “Sometimes it was possible to get the impression that the people around them were afraid of their ‘Tsar’ and that not everything was telling him or mislead Putin, but that is probably not that” – reflects Koprowicz.

«Recall: the world public sees massacres of civilians in Ukraine perpetrated by bandits in uniforms – Putin he denied it. Someone explained – this is Our Country’s policy. However, when in talks with, for example, the leaders of France or Great Britain, Putin tried to convince them that these massacres were not true, the question arises – what does Putin have in mind? » – Koprowicz summed up.

Can’t you cope with your emotions? Do you need support? Reach for professional help and make an appointment with a psychiatrist.

Read also:

  1. How to wisely help refugees? The comparison to the handkerchief gives food for thought
  2. Still reading news about Ukraine? The psychiatrist explains what is going on in the head
  3. How does a man become a dictator? Explains the psychiatrist

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