If you notice that ice is freezing on the walls of the chamber or the thermal insulation coating is broken, the reason is probably that the wall of the refrigerator has cracked. In order for refrigeration equipment to serve as long as possible, it is important to follow the rules of operation, pay attention to the slightest signs of problems. We will tell you how to detect and fix such a malfunction.
Causes of breakage
For the normal operation of the refrigerator and the safety of food, the complete tightness of the chamber is important, so the compartment door is equipped with a rubber seal and fits closely to the body. If warm air enters the chamber, you may notice:
- The motor-compressor runs non-stop. The fact is that the temperature sensor sends signals to the module about an increase in temperature in the compartment. Therefore, the main module makes the motor work to compensate for the temperature. And since the flow of warm air does not stop due to damage, the compressor works without stopping.
- Inside, on the back wall, growths of snow and ice are visible – perhaps the insulation of the chamber is broken. This happens when the door does not fit snugly, so you need to reattach or replace the seal.
What causes cracked plastic on the walls of the refrigerator? If you have recently transported equipment, the crack may have been caused by an impact or a fall. Therefore, it is important to properly secure the refrigerator during transport.
A common cause of puncture and damage to the chamber wall is the “help” of the user during defrosting. If you tried to break the ice with a foreign object, it could lead to a puncture.
Случается и так, что задняя стенка обмерзает снаружи. Это значит, что изоляция повредилась, и приводит к проникновению влаги и обмораживанию. Нужно проводить срочный ремонт.
What to do to restore work
To repair damage to the outer layer of insulation yourself, proceed as follows:
- unplug the refrigerator;
- use a sharp knife to remove the wet part of the insulating layer;
- put in place normal insulation or use mounting foam;
- after the foam has hardened, attach a metal foil to the top.
If a crack has formed on the inner wall, you can glue it like this:
- turn off and unfreeze equipment;
- dry the chamber and degrease the area where the crack is located;
- apply silicone sealant evenly;
- allow the sealant to dry and connect the refrigerator.
The plastic could crack as a result of a factory defect when the nuts are overtightened. In this case, you need to contact the store where the equipment was bought.
Cracked fridge shelf
Plastic shelves can also crack, most often as a result of overloading. To fix a cracked thick plastic refrigerator shelf, you can use super-resistant glue. To do this, a shallow groove (2-3 mm) is made on the reverse side of the crack with a cutter so that it is possible to pour glue.
After you have made a recess, use a sharp knife to clean the surface to remove burrs. Then apply a layer of superglue and sprinkle it with baking soda.
С помощью спички вотрите соду, чтобы она вступила в реакцию с клеем, удалите ее остатки и снова нанесите клей. Процедура повторяется несколько раз, пока канавка не заполнится клеем. Таким образом площадь склеивания увеличивается, поэтому трещина не пойдет дальше.
Now you know how to properly deal with a crack in the refrigerator. It is necessary to act immediately so that the damage does not go further along the surface of the wall or shelf. Watch related videos: