The Delta variant of the coronavirus dominates in Poland more and more. Infections are slowly increasing. The greatest number of infections – per population – occurs in eastern voivodships. – The virus from these provinces will flood the whole country when tourists return home – warns Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski.
- We have more and more evidence that the fourth wave of the coronavirus is a matter of the coming weeks
- The Delta variant is already responsible for over 80 percent. cases, the number of new COVID-19 infections is increasing
- However, the number of vaccinations is falling. Currently, 46% are fully vaccinated. inhabitants of Poland. It is not enough to be able to feel safe
- More information can be found on the Onet homepage
Delta variant in Poland – the number of infected is increasing
The fourth wave of coronavirus in Poland is fast approaching. According to experts’ estimates, a sharp increase in infections is to occur in September, although some of them already speak about the second half of August. The number of COVID-19 cases has been increasing for some time, but so far it has been mildly.
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In the second week of July, we had seven days in a row when the number of infections was double-digit. This is the first such case since mid-March last year. After that, it wasn’t so good anymore. Again, three-digit results prevail. The daily average for the last week (data from August 4) is 141. On June 14, this figure was 77.
The latest data from the Ministry of Health show that the Delta variant in Poland is already responsible for 81,2 percent. cases. The Alpha variant accounts for 11,3%, and the Gamma variant – 1,5%.
Vaccinations are the only effective protection against COVID-19, specialists keep repeating. This, colloquially speaking, is obvious. And if someone still has doubts, maybe they will be convinced by the data.
Wiesław Seweryn, programmer and analyst, on Twitter regularly publishes detailed charts – based on data from the Ministry of Health – on the level of vaccination in provinces and poviats. Now he has combined it with data on the number of infections.
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The lowest vaccination level is seen in the eastern regions of Poland – in the province Podkarpackie, Lubelskie and Podlaskie. There, the vaccination rate of the population is below 40%. And where are the most infections in terms of the number of inhabitants? In the province Małopolskie, Podlaskie, Lubelskie and Podkarpackie.
These data were commented on by Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski. – In line with our warnings, the number of infections grows FASTEST in voivodships with the LOWEST percentages of vaccinated people. The virus from these provinces will flood the entire country when tourists return home – he wrote on Twitter, at the same time appealing to ministers Niedzielski and Dworczyk for appropriate action.
Today, the Ministry of Health announced another 176 new cases of coronavirus infection. Six COVID-19 patients have died.
Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.
Also read:
- Will the children go to school in September? There are recommendations from the Medical Council
- “People are begging for a vaccine when it’s too late”
- COVID-19 may cause a decline in intelligence? New study
- R indicator up. There will be increases in infections in these voivodships
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