The “viral” card has been won back: the results of the third quarter for the Russian EdTech

Smart Ranking and IT holding TalentTech have compiled a new rating of the top 50 largest players in the online education market in the third quarter of 2020

In preparation, data from companies, the Kontur.Focus system, and open sources were used.

The rating does not include:

  • international projects, as well as projects of state organizations and universities. For example, the Open Education and platforms;
  • companies for which EdTech is an applied activity. For example, courses of traders at financial institutions;
  • platforms that provide services for writing diplomas, term papers, etc.

The total revenue of the top 50 EdTech companies grew by 16,5% compared to the second quarter, and at the same time almost doubled – by 99,6% – relative to the same period last year, reaching approximately 7,5 billion rubles. Thus, since the beginning of the year, the companies from the list have already earned more than 18 billion rubles. This means that the results of 2020 will be approximately at the level of 25 billion rubles. Based on a projected estimate of 55-60 billion rubles, the top 50 occupies about half of the EdTech market.

The “viral” card has been won back: the results of the third quarter for the Russian EdTech
The “viral” card has been won back: the results of the third quarter for the Russian EdTech

“According to HolonIQ, the size of the EdTech market in the world in 2020 should be $227 billion, which is a 40% increase compared to 2019. This turned out to be higher than the predicted values,” says Dina Karakash, an investment analyst at the IIDF. — The situation with COVID-19 corrected the growth of the market in a positive direction. Thus, despite the decline in solvency in some client segments, the overall trend remains positive.”

Digital Professions

Resources teaching digital professions are still growing faster than others: based on expert estimates, after the leadership of Skyeng in 2018-19, the first two places in the quarter are occupied by Skillbox and Geekbrains, which were not even affected by two summer months. Geekbrains, which climbed to second place for the first time, said the number of new students at the resource in August grew by 236% year-on-year. In fourth place is Netology Group, which showed an increase of about 2019% relative to the third quarter of 80, which, however, is lower than its growth results in the second quarter (130%).

Netology Group is constantly accelerating its dynamics and growth rates, we are ahead of the curve and plan to double revenue from all projects by the end of the year,” says Maxim Spiridonov, CEO of the company. – In the third quarter, users felt a certain fatigue from online learning in general, so growth, although it remained stable, was lower than during the quarantine period. In the autumn period, we again saw an increase in people’s interest in learning.”

Significantly rose in the Yandex.Practicum rating: if in the second quarter it entered the top ten for the first time, then in the third quarter it is already in sixth place.

The “viral” card has been won back: the results of the third quarter for the Russian EdTech
The “viral” card has been won back: the results of the third quarter for the Russian EdTech

“Over the past six months, our strategy has begun to yield tangible results,” says Yevgeny Lebedev, Yandex.Practical Marketing Director. “Due to the pandemic, several hundred thousand people have tried our free courses and found that they like everything. And the graduates, who just appeared in 2020, began to actively recommend our product.”

School and business

In the segment of school education, the situation is even: on the one hand, two summer months fell on the third quarter, on the other hand, the school year began.

“The main thing that we continue to observe in the third quarter is that the audience of users who a year ago did not even think about solving educational problems in a remote format is gradually coming online,” says Andrey Sizov, executive director of the Foxford online school. “. “We see a growing interest in a fully distance learning format and strive to cover not only the needs for the main school track, but to be an end-to-end educational platform, accompanying the child at every stage of his growing up, in which education is central.”

Mikhail Myagkov, CEO of MAXIMUM Education, notes that the third quarter was quieter than the second: “However, for our segment it was a hot season: the start of the school year and the traditional interest in additional education for schoolchildren. We are growing as planned. Probably, they could have done more than they thought before the pandemic, but the fall in real incomes of the population, which is exacerbated by uncertainty in the economy, is affecting.”

Business education

Continues to grow moved one more position up “Like Center”. Its founder, Ayaz Shabutdinov, predicts an increase in interest in this area from large online platforms, as well as competition between EdTech projects and classical business schools.

“Business skills training, with enormous growth potential, remains one of the most undervalued sectors in education,” says Shabutdinov. “Especially in the face of economic uncertainty, when old business models have suddenly become ineffective, and there is nowhere to learn new ones. Other EdTech platforms are actively launching their own business training programs this year. Now there is a revolution in education: it is becoming clear that there are more effective ways to acquire skills, get a profession or learn a business than five years of walking around for no reason at all.”

Сorporate training

As for the rest of the segments, the third quarter had a smoothing effect on the revenue of some companies, depending on whether the pandemic had previously caused them a sharp increase in demand or, conversely, a fall, as happened, for example, in the corporate sector.

“If in the second quarter year on year we made 17% less cash, then in the third quarter we grew by 27%,” emphasizes Dmitry Zatsepin, director of the educational business of Aktion-MTsFER. — In the third quarter, we studied more than in the entire second half of 2019. We don’t see churn in the third quarter, people want to study.”

Decrease in income

Many companies, however, continue to experience a decline in effective demand.

“We see this in the slowdown in revenue growth in the third quarter compared to previous years,” admits Alexander Pershin, CEO of HTML Academy. — Our forecast for the fourth quarter is plus 20-25% compared to 2019. This again means a decrease in growth rates by about half, but in any case we expect growth.”

Given that the fourth quarter is the most active for many companies, it should be indicative for the sector and change the alignment. For example,, the largest resource in the school education segment, will obviously have to enter the top three in the fourth quarter.

“In the fourth quarter, we expect a moderate increase in revenue and the number of users,” says Svetlana Kravchenko, Head of Kontur.Schools. — Traditionally, the end of the year can be considered the most successful for online education, but 2020 has made its own adjustments. We will try to maintain the current growth.”

Investment in EdTech

Education remains one of the key directions of venture investments in our country: in the third quarter, several more transactions were announced in the EdTech market.

“Now there are at least a hundred successful startups on the education market, which are included in the portfolios of many private funds, as well as funds with the participation of state capital, including RVC,” says Alexei Basov, Deputy General Director and Investment Director of RVC.

At the same time, a number of experts predict that EdTech may be ripe for an IPO in the near future.

Alexey Solovyov, venture investor, founder of A.Partners, about investing in EdTech:

“Three important trends were observed in the Russian EdTech market during the third quarter.

  • A deal for an additional round of investment in Skyeng, one of the leaders in EdTech, took place (and was announced in the fourth quarter).

This is important because this deal raises the bar on what rounds can be in the market and under what conditions.

  • This quarter was the first post-coronavirus period in which the positive effect on the growth of companies (which it could affect) ended.

And the slowdown in growth suggests that the viral card has been played out, and we continue to live in a new reality.

  • An event not directly related to EdTech: there were several IPO news during this period.

Ozon successfully entered the stock exchange, and companies such as FixPrice, and ivi either announced their intention to become a public company, or even published a prospectus on the US SEC website.

For many participants in the rating, becoming a public company is essentially the only exit strategy for investors: they have already become too big for anyone to buy them. Listings of Russian companies on the stock exchange give us benchmarks, guidelines for how large a company can afford it. Its revenue should exceed $100 million (that is, 7-8 billion rubles), growth should be at least 50%, and profitability (if any) should be measured in double digits. In addition, the company must occupy either a monopoly-semi-monopoly position, or the player must have all the characteristics that allow their future investors on the stock exchange to believe that they will be able to consolidate this market and bring their share to 20-30% or even 40%.”

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