The use of water pepper in cooking. Video

The fruits and leaves of water peppers are often used in the culinary field. Chefs in many countries appreciate this plant for its specific taste and extraordinary properties. Dried and crushed water pepper leaves are used as a spice in the preparation of both first and second courses, salads.

The rhizomes and roots of water pepper contain large amounts of anthraglycosides, which have a mild laxative effect. They are used to treat skin diseases, gall bladder, kidney disease, gout.

Water pepper is often used in conjunction with other herbal teas. For example, infusion of leaves of St. John’s wort, toadflax, wormwood, cornflower and lilac flowers, water pepper herbs for skin diseases, wipe the affected areas of the body. But before using this tool, you must consult with a specialist. With neurodermatosis, lotions are often made based on the infusion of butterbur leaves, coltsfoot, fireweed, rose petals, sedge rhizomes and water pepper herbs. In this case, all components are taken in equal proportions. 10 g of this mixture is brewed with 200 g of boiling water. After 3-4 hours, the infusion is ready.

Experts have found that water pepper has an effective hemostatic property. That is why many doctors recommend taking this plant for uterine bleeding, as a pain reliever and sedative.

With uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding, experts often prescribe an infusion based on water pepper. It should be drunk 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon. In this case, 10 g of herbal collection is brewed with 100 ml of boiling water. After 2-3 hours, the infusion should be filtered.

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