The use of propolis: how to chew

Almost all bee products are used for medicinal purposes. However, the specifics of their production by insects and the content of certain substances in them require competent use. Propolis is recognized as one of the popular types of “bee pharmacy”, on the basis of which a lot of medicinal preparations are produced. The article will consider whether it is possible to chew propolis in its pure form and how to do it correctly.

Is it possible to eat propolis in its pure form

Not all bee products are allowed to be taken in their pure form. This is due to the manifestation of allergic reactions in many people. Propolis is a bee resin or glue that insects use to decontaminate evidence and seal gaps. Chewing propolis in its pure form is permissible and justified, but only under one condition. Before starting treatment, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the contraindications and conduct a test for the possibility of an allergic reaction:

  1. Melt a piece of propolis to a state of viscous glue in a water bath.
  2. Rub into the skin of the hands at the level of the wrist or near the elbow.
  3. Wait 15 minutes, watching the treated area.
  4. If redness or itching occurs, take an allergy medication and stop chewing pure propolis.

In the absence of negative manifestations, you should still adhere to the recommended dosage and time of the treatment procedure.

Why chew propolis: medicinal properties

Propolis is a natural product that can replace a whole list of drugs.

It includes:

  • beeswax;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • pollen;
  • vitamins, minerals, amino acids;
  • essential oils.

The list can be continued, but the components already listed testify to the powerful healing effect of bee glue. It has an immunostimulating, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, regenerating effect. Properly using the bee product, you can:

  • extinguish the inflammatory process;
  • get rid of a cold;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • normalize blood pressure indicators;
  • improve the digestive process;
  • to cleanse the body of intoxication;
  • improve oral health and improve dental health;
  • remove the feeling of chronic fatigue.

The use of propolis inside improves the condition of cancer patients, if it is chewed under the supervision of a doctor.

For what diseases it is useful to chew propolis

Given the beneficial properties of the bee product, it can be used for various ailments. Good results from chewing glue have been recorded in the treatment of diseases:

  1. Respiratory systemespecially the throat. With symptoms of sore throat, a piece weighing up to 5 g should be chewed during the day. The duration of the process should be reduced as the condition improves. In addition to getting rid of a sore throat, the procedure prevents infection from entering the lower respiratory tract.
  2. digestive tract. To alleviate the condition in the stomach, propolis is recommended to dissolve in the mouth and then swallow. If you need to improve the oral cavity or reduce the degree of carious processes, then it is enough to suck or chew a piece of bee glue. Chewing propolis is useful for stomach ulcers. Although you should not hope for a complete cure without medical intervention.
  3. Inflammation of the pancreas. In this case, bee glue will be an excellent help in combination with stronger preparations.
  4. The liver. For this important organ, the benefit of bee glue lies in its ability to remove intoxication from the body. This will unload the liver and help it recover.

This is an incomplete list of diseases for which chewing bee glue is very effective. The main benefit is to strengthen the immune system, the body becomes able to fight on its own.

The use of propolis: how to chew

Important! Before starting treatment with bee products, you should consult a doctor.

In the presence of serious health problems, one cannot rely only on the effectiveness of chewing propolis. Comprehensive treatment is required.

How to chew propolis for medicinal purposes

When using any medicine, be sure to follow the rules for its use. Propolis also needs to be chewed, adhering to the recommendations. Among them are the main ones:

  1. Do not exceed dosage. The rate is calculated depending on the age, gender, physical condition and characteristics of a particular person. The average dose is 3 g, but at the time of acute conditions it is increased to 10 g per day.
  2. Gradually accustom the body to the bee product. Start with the minimum dose (2-3 g) carefully fixing your condition. With a positive result, gradually increase the amount.

It should be remembered that the dose is selected individually. Don’t rely on someone else’s experience. Depending on weight, gender or age, a completely different dosage regimen may be required.

At the time of chewing, be sure to monitor the condition. If there is a feeling of discomfort, you need to further reduce the dose or temporarily postpone treatment procedures.

How much to chew propolis

In addition to the dosage, the time of the procedure must be observed. Propolis is recommended to be chewed until insoluble grains remain from it. This is a wax that no longer needs to be chewed. Time directly depends on the dose used. The average duration of chewing 1 g of the product is 5 minutes. If the piece is larger, then chewing can take up to 10-15 minutes. By the way, 15 minutes is the maximum allowable time for chewing propolis in one session. A sharp increase in duration can lead to a negative reaction of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity. The body needs to adapt to a new product.

How to chew propolis: before or after a meal

This is an important aspect in the treatment of bee products. The chewing process should be divided into stages, depending on the state of propolis. The piece is very hard at first. At this point, it can be lightly squeezed with your teeth or sucked. Under the influence of saliva and mechanical movements, the glue will soften, and the size of the piece will decrease. Useful components will begin to penetrate into the body.

Important! You should chew with your front teeth.

Indigenous give less effect due to their relief structure. Particles are clogged in the bends of the teeth, which reduces the effectiveness of treatment. When a piece of propolis becomes soft, chewing movements can be more active.

Now for the sequence:

  1. Before eating, chewing a piece of propolis is recommended for problems with the digestive system. It is optimal to complete the process 30 minutes before the start of the meal. This time will be enough for propolis to have a healing effect, and the stomach to prepare for eating.
  2. Regardless of the meal, chew pieces to get rid of a runny nose or problems in the oral cavity. It is also well manifested when chewing without reference to food, the preventive effect of propolis.

If the disease is in the initial stage, then an increase in the dose may not be required.

Is it possible to swallow propolis after chewing

There remains one more important point – is it possible to swallow propolis after chewing. The answer is due to the composition of the product. It contains 30% beeswax, which is not broken down by the enzymes of the human body. Therefore, it is impossible to completely digest propolis. However, if by negligence the pea is swallowed, you should not be afraid. This will not bring harm, but it is not worth swallowing medical glue on purpose or regularly.

The use of propolis: how to chew

What happens if you chew propolis every day

Daily chewing is very helpful. The main thing is to withstand the course of treatment and try not to exceed it. In order to prevent diseases, it is necessary to dissolve bee glue every day for 1-2 months. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. But the intensive option, which is used for viral or colds, can not be more than 7 days. During this period, the use of the bee product occurs after 3-4 hours.

Can children chew propolis

Children are not forbidden to give propolis for chewing, but taking into account the characteristics of a small organism. The product is very useful for babies under 5 years old, who have a reduced ability of the immune system to resist pathogenic microorganisms. The only contraindication is allergic manifestations. If the child is not allergic to propolis, then the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. The maximum daily dose for children aged 3-7 years is 1 g, over 7 years and up to 12 years – 2 g.
  2. Delicate milk teeth are not able to chew bee glue well, so it is recommended to crush it and mix it with a glass of warm milk. This technique will also help if the child does not like the taste of propolis.

The most important recommendation is not to give babies propolis without consulting a pediatrician.

Is it possible to chew propolis with gastritis

Stomach problems require the correct use of the product. It must be chewed thoroughly, then swallowed. This is done half an hour before meals. Bee glue envelops the gastric mucosa, protecting it from the effects of acid. 30 minutes after swallowing propolis, you can eat. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day, the total dose should not exceed 5 g. As a result of treatment, pain, symptoms of heartburn and nausea decrease.


You can chew propolis for various diseases, but you should first study its benefits and harms to the human body. Pay special attention to contraindications.

The use of glue is prohibited when:

  1. Individual intolerance of the body. Allergic manifestations to the intake of bee products should be checked in advance.
  2. Certain diseases of the kidneys, biliary tract, or liver. In this case, it is necessary to prepare tinctures.
  3. Pregnancy, especially with complications. It is impossible to find out the reaction of the fetus to the bee product, so it is better to refrain.

You also need to monitor the dose of the medicine. An overdose can cause no less harm than an allergy.


You can chew propolis in its pure form for many diseases and for prevention purposes. In this case, it is imperative to maintain the dosage of the therapeutic agent and the rules for its use.

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