Kupena officinalis is a well-known plant from the Landyshev family (Convallariaceae), resembling garden lilies of the valley in appearance. Due to its decorative appearance, the culture is widely used for landscape design of territories. Various parts of the plant are harvested for the preparation of medicinal infusions and decoctions.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Medicinal kupena has many names: core, wolf grass, signet, deaf lily of the valley, crow berries, wolf’s fang, Solomon’s seal

Description of the medicinal product

Perennial belongs to the herbaceous group. The description of the plant Kupena officinalis allows you to form a general idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXba decorative culture:

  • thick, multi-jointed, lignified rhizome over time;
  • bush height up to 60 cm;
  • stems glabrous, drooping, with edges;
  • leaves alternate, oblong elliptical or ovate, amplexicaul;
  • leaf length up to 14 cm;
  • leaf width up to 5 cm;
  • the color of the upper part of the leaf plates is green;
  • the color of the lower part of the leaves is dull, grayish-green;
  • pedicels drooping, emerging from the axils of the leaf blades;
  • perianth tubular, white;
  • on the perianth there are six cloves of a greenish tint;
  • the fruit is a round berry, up to 1,2 cm in diameter;
  • the color of the berries is black and blue.
The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

The plant blooms in late May, early June, bears fruit in August

Where and how fragrant kupena grows

Kupena officinalis, the photo and description of which is presented above, grows in natural conditions in the European part of Eurasia. The plant is widely distributed in forests, meadows, mountain slopes. Medicinal or fragrant kupena prefers well-shaded places.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Creeping rhizomes of the plant grow, forming vast clearings

Poisonous drug bought, or not

Based on the description of a fragrant bought (Polygonatum odoratum Druce), pharmacy or medicinal, we can draw conclusions about the poisonous properties of almost all parts of the plant. Stems, foliage, roots, flowers have an emetic effect. An overdose of any drug prepared from a fragrant medicinal drug can cause a sharp deterioration in well-being. Various parts of the plant should not be used for the prevention and treatment of diseases in children and pregnant women. Berries and seeds have the most pronounced poisonous properties.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

The bright color of the fruits of the purchased pharmacy signals a danger

Application in landscape design

Modern fashionable landscape designers widely use the perennial medicinal flower for landscaping. Even after the end of flowering in June, until late autumn, the bushes are bought fragrant do not lose their decorative appeal. Another plus of the culture is that the medicinal plant takes root well and grows in shaded areas where other flowers die from lack of sunlight.

Kupena fragrant medicinal can be placed anywhere in the garden:

  • in the shade of trees, buildings and other small architectural forms;
  • on sunny meadows;
  • around picturesque stones, snags;
  • in rockeries;
  • near a pond or pool.

Very beautifully bought officinalis harmonizes with moss, coin loosestrife, periwinkle, zhuvuchka or ayuga, garden cuff, filiform veronica, bulbous primroses (narcissus, tulip, crocus, scylla).

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Gorgeously and solemnly, the snow-white tears of the inflorescences of Kupena officinalis look next to the brightly flowering plants.

Methods of reproduction

Medicinal or pharmacy kupena reproduces in two main ways:

  • seminal;
  • vegetative (by dividing the bush).

Growing a plant from seeds is a troublesome and time-consuming task.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Reproduction by dividing the bush is the easiest and most affordable way to buy fragrant medicinal

Seed Reproduction

For propagation bought with fragrant or medicinal seeds, you can use purchased or home-grown planting material. Seeds should be pre-stratified for a month on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

A soil mixture of equal parts of river sand and peat is placed in a seedling container. Seeds are sown, planting containers are removed for 90 days in a cool place with an air temperature of + 5 ⁰С.

Then the crops are kept in a room at a temperature of up to + 3 ⁰С for 4-23 months, after which they are again cleaned in a cool place (up to + 5 ⁰С) for 30-60 days.

At the last stage of growing seedlings, the air temperature should be up to + 23 ⁰С.

At this time, crops of medicinal crops need diffused light, watering as the soil mixture dries. Transplanted at the end of May in open ground, the seedlings of the fragrant crop take root at a rather slow pace.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

The first flowering of medicinal plants grown from seeds occurs only by the fourth year of life.

Breed division multiplication

The division of the bush is carried out at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn, or in early spring before the growth of shoots begins. The mother bush is removed from the ground, the root system is divided into several plots so that the root segment contains a viable growth point.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Experts recommend dividing the bushes once every five years so that the medicinal plant does not grow.

Terms and rules of landing

Kupena is not distinguished by complex agricultural technology. The medicinal plant develops well in the wild without human intervention.


Seedlings bought from a pharmacy, or medicinal, are transplanted into open ground at the end of May.

The transfer of plots obtained from the mother bush to a new place is carried out in early spring, at the end of summer or at the very beginning of autumn.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

To perform work on the transplantation of fragrant medicinal kupena to a permanent place, you must choose a cloudy day


Well-shaded areas are considered the best place to place a purchased pharmacy or drug. In the shade of trees and architectural forms, the graceful forest beauty will feel great.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

The medicinal crop grows actively on well-fertilized soils.

Landing algorithm

Planting pits for transplanting seedlings or plots purchased from a pharmacy drug in open ground are prepared in advance.

The rhizome is carefully placed in a hole, straightened, deepening up to 8 cm into the soil.

The distance between individual plots should be at least 20 cm.

Transplanted medicinal plants are watered, the wells are sprinkled with dry soil and a layer of mulch.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

The first two years, young bushes of the medicinal crop take root, then the flowering period begins

Features of care

Minimal care is needed for medicinal perennials:

  • watering as the soil dries up, no more than once a week;
  • mulching to prevent the soil from drying out near the bushes;
  • gentle loosening;
  • two-stage fertilization (the first time in early spring, top dressing with complex mineral or organic preparations, the second time – during flowering);
  • monitoring diseases and pests;
  • preparation for wintering (mulching with sawdust, compost or peat, shelter with spruce branches).
The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

When loosening the soil, it is important not to damage the rhizomes of the medicinal plant, which are located close to the surface of the earth.

Chemical composition in plant value

Almost all parts of a medicinal or pharmacy cup are endowed with a unique chemical composition, which explains the value of an ornamental culture for the human body:

  • roots are a source of fructose, alkaloids, mucous substances, starch, glycokenin, trace elements (zinc, copper, manganese), carotene, ascorbic acid, nitrogen-containing compounds, tannins;
  • leaves and stems are sources of alkaloids, flavonoids (vitexin, quercetin), steroid saponin (diostegin), vitamin C and PP;
  • fruits are sources of cardiac glycosides (convallarin, convallatoxin, convallaramine).

Allantoin is found in almost all parts of kupena fragrant and contributes to a powerful anti-inflammatory, antitumor and wound healing effect.

For the treatment of certain diseases (abscesses, wounds on the surface of the skin), fresh juice is used in certain proportions. For the treatment and prevention of other ailments, decoctions, infusions, tinctures are prepared. When deciding to use folk methods, you should consult in detail with a specialist.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Thanks to the active substances that make up the leaves, fruits, roots, the medicinal product is used in official medicine.

Medicinal properties bought

The following medicinal properties of the plant are widely used:

  • expectorant effect, since the foliage and stems of the kupene help get rid of cough, relieve inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, thin sputum;
  • analgesic effect, since the tincture of various parts of the drug is suitable for rubbing with rheumatism, joint pain, pain syndromes with arthritis, gout, migraine;
  • decongestant, diuretic and blood-purifying action helps in the complex treatment of dropsy, various edema, diabetes;
  • antitumor, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing action;
  • hemostatic and enveloping effect in the complex treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers, inflammatory processes in gynecology;
  • tonic effect, which alleviates the symptoms of heart disease;
  • restoration and lightening of the skin with acne, freckles, pigmentation;
  • emetic action in case of poisoning;
  • reducing the risk of hallucinations in disorders of the nervous system.
The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Since ancient times, “deaf lily of the valley” has been used to prepare medicinal potions for numerous ailments.

Recipes on the roots bought officinalis

A special niche in the prevention and treatment of various diseases is occupied by the rhizomes of medicinal or fragrant kupena. The compositions are prepared from dried roots, following a proven recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation.


A decoction of the rhizome has the appearance of an enveloping mucous liquid that does not irritate the walls of the digestive tract. For this reason, the remedy from kupena can be used orally for such ailments as diseases of the lower respiratory tract (cough, bronchitis), gastritis, gout. Apply a decoction, regardless of the meal, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

There are several ways to prepare a decoction. The first way the decoction is prepared as follows:

  • young roots are selected, dried, crushed;
  • one tablespoon of the roots is poured with one glass of boiling water;
  • under the lid, the mixture is insisted on a water bath;
  • the mixture is filtered and infused for one hour.

The second way to prepare a decoction from the rhizomes of kupena:

  • crushed raw materials are poured with cold water in an enamel pan;
  • on low heat, the liquid is heated, not bringing to a boil;
  • the mixture is filtered and infused for one hour.
The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Before using a decoction of “deaf lily of the valley” inside, you should first consult with your doctor.

Milk broth

A decoction of Kupena officinalis in milk is used for problems with the pancreas, various forms of hernia. The mixture effectively and gently lowers blood sugar levels. Use a decoction of a pharmacy bought in milk inside 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Method of preparation:

  • powdered dried root (2 tablespoons) is poured with cow’s milk (3 liters);
  • over low heat, bring the mixture to a boil;
  • stirring occasionally, the broth is left on fire to evaporate approximately one liter of milk;
  • the mixture is strained while hot.
The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

A decoction of a medicinal decoction in cow’s milk has been used in Our Country for a long time


An infusion, unlike a decoction, is a composition with a longer exposure, which contains the maximum concentration of nutrients. Used to treat inflammation of the respiratory tract, ulcers, hernia, pain relief. The algorithm for making an infusion is similar to preparing a decoction, but the healing agent should be infused for at least three hours. Scheme of application – 2 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Herbalists recommend steaming the infusion by wrapping the container in a warm blanket.


A tincture of fragrant kupena is prepared with alcohol. It is applied to external and internal use. The internal use of the root tincture of Kupena officinalis is prescribed in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, bronchitis, diseases of the intestines, prostate and female reproductive organs. Scheme of oral administration – up to ten drops of alcohol tincture in a glass of water, green tea or rosehip infusion once a day for 14 days. Ten days later, the two-week course is repeated.

An alcohol tincture of a medicinal drug is prepared as follows:

  • fresh root is ground on a grater;
  • 100 g of crushed raw materials are poured with a liter of 70% alcohol;
  • the composition is infused for 20 days in a dark place at room temperature.
The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Alcohol tincture treats problem areas of the skin (acne, age spots, freckles, growths, bruises, abrasions, bruises)


Fresh juice from the leaves of Kupena officinalis is used for compresses, lotions, applications. The leaves are plucked, washed, ground in a meat grinder, juice is squeezed through cheesecloth.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

An elixir of fresh leaves of kupena fragrant is used to treat dermatological problems.

The use of medicinal kupena in traditional medicine

Kupena pharmacy, or medicinal, is the raw material for the preparation of traditional medicine compositions. Herbalists from generation to generation passed on invaluable recipes that many still use today, along with medicines as part of the complex treatment of various diseases.

For pain in the stomach

For stomach pains, after consulting with your doctor, you can use a decoction of a pharmacy or medicinal decoction. For chronic stomach problems, a decoction of the Solomon root in milk is most effective.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures of a medicinal product are used to treat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For bruises and cuts

The greatest effectiveness for abrasions, bruises, wounds, cuts, and other skin lesions is shown by fresh juice from the leaves, decoctions and infusions from the roots of kupena fragrant. A bandage soaked in a therapeutic composition is wrapped on damaged areas to the skin for an hour twice a day for seven days. Such compresses and applications relieve pain, swelling, inflammation.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

In emergency cases, you can pick a sheet, scald it with boiling water and tape it to the wound.

For gout and joint pain

To relieve joint pain and the unpleasant symptoms of gout, you can use the infusion of the rhizomes of the “Solomon Seal”. The healing mixture is taken orally 0,5 ml twice a day for seven days.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

An infusion of rhizomes is rubbed into sore spots twice a day for one week.

With hemorrhoids

“Pochechuy” – so called hemorrhoids in Our Country. The disease was cured with a decoction of the roots of medicinal kupena. The recipe for a decoction for the treatment of hemorrhoids is slightly different from the classic one:

  • take two tablespoons of chopped root bought from a pharmacy;
  • pour 400 ml of boiling water;
  • insist under the lid in heat for four hours;
  • strain through several layers of gauze until a clear solution is formed.

The course of treatment is at least five procedures until the symptoms disappear.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Tampons soaked in a decoction of the root are bought fragrant, injected into the rectum at night

Used in cosmetics

Due to the unique natural composition, pharmacy kupena is widely used for the production of cosmetic products for face and body care. The plant is part of creams, tonics, lotions, masks. The essential oil bought officinalis is very effective in fighting freckles, another skin pigmentation. A decoction of the roots prepared at home has a beneficial effect on problematic facial skin:

  • from red spots with smallpox, measles and acne, use a decoction as the main lotion after washing and removing makeup;
  • to lighten pigmentation, use rhizome juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • from pigmentation and redness, essential oil is used, which is also diluted with water.
The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Traditional medicine should be used only after consultation with a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Limitations and contraindications

As you know, a pharmacy, or medicinal, is a poisonous plant. In order to choose the right dose, you should consult with herbalists, homeopaths.

There are categorical contraindications for the use of any formulations from the medicinal product:

  • children under the age of 16;
  • pregnant women;
  • women during breastfeeding;
  • people with seasonal allergies.
The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

In case of an overdose in adults, symptoms of poisoning, vomiting attacks are observed.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

Collection of grass (leaves, stems, flowers) is carried out from May to June during flowering. The roots are harvested in September. Berries are harvested after full ripening. Raw materials are dried in air, in ventilated rooms. After drying, store in paper or wooden containers in a dark and dry place. Experts recommend collecting raw materials in the forest away from roads and industrial facilities.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Useful properties of the dry parts of the purchased medicinal product are preserved for two years.

Interesting facts about the pharmacy cup

Since ancient times, the fragrant kupena root has been used for economic purposes:

  • treatment of cattle in case of infection with gadfly larvae;
  • as an anthelmintic for the treatment of pets;
  • to increase appetite in ruminants.

In addition, in the old days, well done and maidens rubbed their cheeks with kupen berries to give a natural blush.

The use of medicinal kupene in medicine

Deer and marals in the wild willingly eat medicinal cupena for the natural expulsion of worms and other parasites.


Kupena officinalis is a unique, amazing plant that can be found in almost the entire European part of the continent. The grass, which at the beginning of summer produces delicate inflorescences in the form of crystal bells, heals many diseases. According to an ancient legend, King Solomon appreciated the beneficial properties of fragrant kupena. He endowed the plant with his mark, which can be seen on the curved roots. Therefore, the people call the healing herb “Solomon’s seal.”

BOUGHT MEDICINAL || Useful properties and application

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