The use of hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of arthrosis

Neumyvakin’s theory

Professor I.P. Neumyvakin is the author of the theory that peroxide is used as a drug for arthritis. The drug is taken intravenously and orally. Back in the 70s, the professor began research, the results of which showed that even hopelessly ill patients were able to get back on their feet thanks to hydrogen peroxide. Incurable ailments were cured by this remedy. Neumyvakin published his theory, according to which such a simple drug as H2O2 effectively fights Parkinson’s disease, defeats sclerosis, cancer, diabetes, arthrosis, and even AIDS.

In 1975, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin received the State Prize for the invention of the drug Phenibut. This tool was first used to relieve overload in astronauts. Now phenibut is used before surgery as a relaxant, as well as in the treatment of insomnia and neurotic conditions.

Neumyvakin tested hydrogen peroxide on himself. For treatment, it is necessary to take this substance intravenously and orally. Treatment with peroxide, he said, saved him from arthrosis, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Theory of oxygenation

Scientists back in the 90s discovered that the presence of an anaerobic environment (oxygen-free) for the growth of cancerous tumors is the main condition. Renowned German chemist Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for his study of the relationship between cancer and oxygen. He proved that in those organs that are poorly supplied with oxygen, tumor growth most often begins. Due to hypoxia, healthy cells are converted into malignant cells.

After this study, Charles Farr (M.D. and Ph.D.) carried out a large number of experiments. He proved that intravenous oxygen leaves the body through the lungs. Some of the oxygen remains in the body. Farr observed patients who were injected with hydrogen peroxide intravenously. The doctor of medicine determined that the metabolic rate increased. In addition, dilatation of small arteries was observed. Part of the oxygen obtained by the introduction of hydrogen peroxide was preserved in the blood circulation.

Treatment of arthrosis with hydrogen peroxide

The use of hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of arthrosis

Professor Neumyvakin invented a theory according to which chronic joint disease can be cured with hydrogen peroxide. This solution, according to Neumyvakin, affects protein synthesis, the absorption of minerals, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and other metabolic processes in the body.

Based on these data, Neumyvakin concluded that by taking H2O2 orally, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the human body, which has problems with the musculoskeletal system. Since the end of the last century, Professor Neumyvakin began to practice hydrogen peroxide treatment. Since then, there have been many followers of his treatment. The professor created a scheme according to which you need to take the medicine in order for the treatment to be effective.

Reception scheme:

Dissolve 2 drops of a 3% solution of H2O2 in half a glass. It is necessary to drink the medicine after meals three times a day (after eating, 1,5 hours should pass). After three days, add 1 drop of the solution to each dose. The total number of drops should be increased to 8. It is recommended to take a solution of hydrogen peroxide according to this scheme for 2 months. After 2 months, you need to bring the number of drops taken at a time to 10 and take the drug for another 3 months.

The entire course of treatment lasts 5 months. Neumyvakin recommends using external compresses as a local remedy.

How to use a hydrogen peroxide compress:

To prepare the solution, you will need ordinary water (50 milliliters), where you need to add 2 teaspoons of H2O2, mix thoroughly. The solution should be moistened with a cotton cloth, which should cover the diseased joint. On top of the wet compress, you need to put a film, and then a woolen cloth. The compress should be on the sore joint for about an hour, after which it must be removed and the sore spot should be lubricated with baby cream.

According to the recommendation of I.P. Neumyvakin, oral peroxide intake must be combined with intravenous administration of the drug. Some adherents of alternative and traditional medicine agree with Neumyvakin’s statements. They are of the opinion that joint diseases can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, which must be administered intravenously.

Official medicine about hydrogen peroxide treatment

The use of hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of arthrosis

Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic and belongs to the group of antioxidants. In the process of peroxide treatment of mucous membranes and damaged skin, the solution reacts with these tissues. As a result of the reaction, active oxygen is released. The wound during this treatment is cleared of organic substances (pus, blood, proteins). We are not talking about sterilization, since all microorganisms are not destroyed during peroxide treatment, but only their number decreases.

Abundant foaming, which accompanies the peroxide treatment process, leads to the formation of blood clots and the cessation of bleeding from small vessels. A XNUMX% peroxide solution is used in official medicine exclusively externally. It is used to treat small superficial wounds, to stop capillary and nasal bleeding, as well as for gynecological diseases, stomatitis, tonsillitis as a rinse and rinse.

Cells need oxygen, which is formed as a result of the breakdown of peroxide. This argument is central to many proponents of hydrogen peroxide treatment. But proponents of such treatment forget that in the process of decay, free oxygen radicals also arise. These substances can change the structure of the cell and damage blood proteins. At the cellular level, an increase in the number of free radicals can lead to tumor growth. This provokes the development of diabetes and sclerosis. Scientists from the Institute of Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences disproved the myth that hydrogen peroxide can remove atherosclerotic plaques in the vascular system. Scientists have proven that taking hydrogen peroxide increases the risk of progression of atherosclerosis and exacerbates ischemic damage to the heart muscles.

But the wonders of traditional medicine are irrefutable. Sometimes it is not clear what is the reason for recovery. Sometimes healing comes from fanatical faith in the treatment, and sometimes it’s the placebo effect. If you decide to try any treatment, including hydrogen peroxide treatment, the first thing to do is to consult with your doctor. Even with the support of a doctor, it is better not to self-medicate. Try to find a specialist in the field of oxygen therapy.

A consultation with a doctor will help confirm the diagnosis, take into account individual intolerance, exclude negative drug reactions and make sure that the treatment regimen is correct. By carrying out peroxide treatment without consulting a doctor, you risk your health. All information provided in the article is for informational purposes and is not a medical aid.

Source: Theory of I.P. Neumyvakin

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