The US president reveals his health. Should the president of Poland also?

Every year, Americans have the opportunity to learn about the health of their president. In the statement issued by a personal physician of the White House, we can find, among others information: how much Donald Trump weighs, what is his blood pressure, what medication he takes. Should the Polish president also disclose the results of his research?

  1. Presidents’ health reports are part of America’s political culture. However, it is the president who decides which information will be released
  2. In June 2020, information on the results of Donald Trump’s research was released
  3. “The data shows that the president remains healthy,” emphasizes US president’s physician Sean Conley
  4. Should the president’s health in Poland also be open? June poll for “Super Express”: 30 percent of those polled for “yes”, 42 percent. – does not have to disclose this information

The president of the United States is not obliged to disclose the results of medical examinations, but publishing more or less detailed information about the health of the head of state has already become a standard and part of American political culture in this country.

Furthermore, reports on the health of presidents arouse considerable interest. – Any deviations from the ideal image of the president, whose perfect physical form is to confirm the ability and energy to act for the common good, are widely discussed – notes Dr. Małgorzata Zachara-Szymańska from the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora of the Jagiellonian University.

Why is the president’s health known in the USA?

This year, once again, Americans (and the whole world) had the opportunity to learn about the health of Donald Trump. In the past, information on health was made public, including Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama.

Where does this practice come from in the USA? In a 2016 article, the Los Angeles Times notes: “In US history, nearly half of US presidents have suffered serious illness or injury while in office … Many have concealed their health problems from the public.” Michael Beschloss, a historian specializing in the US Presidency, spoke in the same vein: “Too often in history, presidents have concealed diseases that may have undermined their leadership and the well-being of all of us” – he said in May this year. «NBC News».

– The information about the president’s health condition is an expression of the administration’s respect for the good standard of transparency, but also a certain important move in the ongoing election campaign – notes Dr. Małgorzata Zachara-Szymańska. President Trump, who turned 74 in June, may be an important factor for undecided voters, he adds.

But how much health information should a president reveal? It is worth remembering that the president, like every US citizen, is protected by the right to privacy. Citizens see it. According to a 2004 Gallup poll, which quotes the Los Angeles Times, although information about the president’s health was important to 96 percent. respondents, 61 percent. it stated that leaders should have the right to keep their medical records confidential, like everyone else.

Donald Trump’s health – what has been revealed

From the beginning of his term in office, Donald Trump has undergone a comprehensive medical checkup (usually in January or February). A message summarizing the current state of health is issued by the White House. However, it only contains information that Donald Trump has agreed to disclose.

This year, the entire procedure dragged on for several months. In November 2019, the American media reported that Donald Trump underwent rapid medical tests, including laboratory tests. There has been speculation that a visit to a military hospital in Washington was not routine. The White House, however, said the study was part of the US President’s annual health check. The White House has hardly released data from its November 2019 visit – with the exception of the president’s weight and cholesterol levels.

In March, there was still no information on the results of the president’s comprehensive research or the reasons for the delay. When asked about the date of their completion, Trump told reporters that he would be able to go to the research within the next 90 days. “I am so busy that I cannot do it now,” he explained. The results were only released to the public in June. What information has been disclosed?

As reported by USA Today, over the last year, 74-year-old Donald Trump gained slightly (he gained a pound, or less than 0,5 kg) and weighed just over 109 kg (244 lb). He managed to lower his cholesterol – from 196 to 167.

Trump measures 6 feet 3 inches (over 1,8 meters), has a blood pressure of 121/79 mmHG, and a resting heart rate of 63 beats per minute, the White House said, summarizing the study’s findings.

As emphasized, Donald Trump has not experienced any side effects of taking hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic agent against COVID-19.

  1. WHO is suspending clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine

“Based on my analyzes, test results and consultations, the data shows that the president remains healthy,” emphasizes Donald Trump’s physician Sean Conley.

Should the president’s health in Poland be open?

For several years, there have been voices in Poland that, taking into account the responsibility of holding the office of the head of state, the president should disclose the results of medical examinations. On June 27, “Super Express” published the results of a survey, which was conducted by the Pollster Research Institute on June 24 – 25, 2020 (1 adult Poles took part in it).

The respondents were asked the question: “Should the President of the Republic of Poland disclose the results of his medical examinations every year?”. As it turned out? As reported by «Super Express», 30 percent would like it. respondents. 42 percent decided that the head of state does not have to publish information about his health. 28 percent the respondents had no opinion on this matter.

Interestingly, the Poles expressed a different opinion about one and a half years earlier. In February 2019, in a survey commissioned by Rzeczpospolita (on February 19 – 20, 2019, it was carried out by SW Research on a sample of 800 people representative of the Polish population in terms of gender, age and place of residence), 52 percent. respondents were of the opinion that the details of the health condition of the President of the Republic of Poland should be made public. 23 percent were against. respondents. As Rzeczpospolita writes, every fourth respondent did not have an unambiguous opinion on this matter.

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