Those who have been running for a long time are already accustomed to this invariable effect: after a run, as after a summer downpour, there is a feeling of lightness and freedom. It clears up in the head, and the solution of many issues comes by itself. And the whole secret is that nerve cells are restored, and this happens 30-40 minutes after the start of the run.
If the problem is not solved in any way, go out and take a quick walk, or better, run at least five minutes. Do you feel that you will explode soon, or cry, or feel nothing at all, but the feeling is not pleasant? Go run and see what happens. You can’t run away and feel sorry for yourself at the same time.
“I run, completely stunned, in my head — not a single coherent thought. But when this incredible run is over, some desperate feeling of freshness fills me from the inside, squeezed out like a lemon, ”writes the writer and marathon runner Haruki Murakami about himself.
A good run makes you feel like a whole new person. And not only in a figurative sense. Until recently, the words “nerve cells do not recover” were an axiom. We knew from school that their number remains the same from the very moment we become adults.
New neurons appear in the hippocampus — the area responsible for memory and learning ability
Luckily for us, this turned out not to be the case. New neurons are able to appear throughout our lives — this is confirmed by research by neuroscientists over the past 30 years. And the only way to achieve this is through jogging or long-term aerobic training.
Karen Postal, president of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, confirms, «We only know of this single trigger that starts the process of creating new nerve cells.»
When nerve cells regenerate
Thus, an explanation was found for the state of mental clarity that comes after a good run and lasts for several hours.
But the amazing properties of running don’t end there, when you consider where in the brain new neurons appear. Namely, in the hippocampus, the area responsible for memory and learning ability.
“If you’re exercising in such a way that your tank top gets wet — usually after 30-40 minutes of intense aerobic exercise, running or dancing — keep in mind that this is when new nerve cells begin to appear,” says Karen Postal. .
Think strategically halfway
The next effect of running can only be felt by those who exercise or run regularly. After 30-40 minutes of intense exercise, they have increased activity in the frontal lobe of the brain — that part of the brain that is sometimes called the «executive branch». It is responsible for the ability to think strategically, plan, focus, set goals and allocate time.
Peace at the finish line
But other than that, the frontal lobes of the brain are linked to the regulation of emotions. This effect was studied by Harvard professor Emily Bernstein, who herself has long been fond of running. She noticed that jogging is especially beneficial for those who have problems with mood swings and short tempers.
It is also important to be able to “let go” of your mind, to disconnect from all problems.
After a series of experiments involving girls who had such traits, it was noted that their stress resistance and ability to restore emotional balance increased.
What is the marathon runner thinking?
There is another important effect that running has on the human brain. We are taught to be present in the moment, here and now. But it is also important to be able to “let go” of your mind, to switch off from all problems. Then suddenly solutions to many questions come, as if they emerge from the bottom of memory, easily and effortlessly.
Long run enthusiasts are often asked: “Well, what can you think about when you run these endless kilometers?” Haruki Murakami knows more about running than most of us, he is a regular marathon runner. The Japanese writer brought out a whole philosophy of running.