You can fully enjoy the taste of wine only by knowing the features of its combination with various snacks. It can be difficult to find the right dish quickly. To facilitate this task, we will consider what true connoisseurs drink different types of wine with.
Tasters adhere universal rule: food should not interfere with the perception of the aromatic bouquet and taste. The more expensive the wine, the easier the appetizer is selected for it. Gourmet dishes richly seasoned with spices are served only with ordinary (plain) and table wines, which do not have unique organoleptic properties (taste and smell).
Most popular options
1. Refuse snacks. It is justified if you are dealing with a rare long-term wine. Its taste can be so unique that any food will be superfluous. Maximum – a slice of fresh white bread and still mineral water.
2. An appetizer for fortified wines, port wine, sherry, Madeira. These wines belong to the group of aperitifs, i.e. they whet the appetite and are served before a meal as the first alcoholic drink. Any dishes are suitable for them, with the exception of herring and other pickled fish.
3. Dishes for red wine. Dry red wines go well with ham, smoked sausages, seafood (crabs, crayfish, oysters), cauliflower, green peas and other vegetables. You can safely serve any spicy and fatty dishes with such a wine, they will not spoil the taste, on the contrary, they will harmoniously complement it. Most reputable producers indicate with what appetizer it is better to serve their wine, so it is not superfluous to study the label.
4. Dishes for white wine. Experts recommend drinking white dry wines with mild meats (game, chicken), different types of cheese and fish (except herring). If white wine is served for dessert, then fruits, sweets, chocolate, cookies, ice cream, tea or coffee are perfect.

5. The combination of dishes with sweet, semi-sweet and liqueur wines. Drinks in this group are very sweet, so ice cream, grapes, peaches, cookies and other sweet pastries are best served with them.