The two main symptoms that distinguish COVID-19 from the flu
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Doctors point to seven symptoms characteristic of coronavirus infection, but two of them strongly distinguish COVID-19 from the flu. This is very important in the fall / winter season when many cases of viral infections, including influenza, appear.

  1. COVID-19 and the flu have similar symptoms, so it can be difficult to tell the difference without getting tested
  2. According to doctors, the two most characteristic symptoms of coronavirus infection are loss of smell and taste
  3. With the Delta variant, however, these ailments appear relatively less frequently than with the Alpha variant, which was dominant a few months ago
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

– We can expect that we are infected with the coronavirus if the sense of taste disappears and we have a disturbed sense of smell – said Prof. Paweł Januszewicz, medical expert of Polsat Foundation in the program «New Day with Polsat News». These are the two main differences, but there may be more symptoms.

The seven main symptoms of COVID-19

The doctor drew attention to a research paper published in the scientific journal “PLOS”, which collected data obtained after examining more than 1 million patients. – Scientists have shown that there are seven certain symptoms of coronavirus infection. We can expect to have COVID-19 if – most of all – the sense of taste disappears and we have disturbed sense of smell. Second we have feverand third, there is a new, constant and distinct one cough. Besides, we should be careful if we have chills and muscle aches, and decrease in appetite. These are the seven main symptoms that tell us we’re dealing with COVID-19 rather than the flu – explained prof. Paweł Januszewicz.

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Prof. Januszewicz also referred to the work of Polish authors published in the journal Nature, which shows that children are more likely to get flu and infections caused by other viruses than on COVID-19. The doctor emphasized that in young children who are unable to report loss of smell or taste, the final diagnosis will be the result of the antigen test.

Prof. Januszewicz encouraged vaccinations in the program, not only against COVID-19, but also against influenza. – We can combine and we should combine flu vaccinations with COVID-19 vaccination – he said. – It is clearly stated by the most important scientific authorities in the world that we can vaccinate the same day, one arm with the COVID-19 vaccine, the other against the flu – added the expert.

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  1. Coronavirus, flu, colds. How to decontaminate an apartment after an illness?
  2. How to correctly measure the temperature?
  3. Israel can finally breathe? Fewer and fewer severe coronavirus cases

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