It is estimated that 50 g of soybean is equal to one and a half glasses of cow’s milk or 150 g of beef. Soy protein can therefore successfully replace animal protein, because, according to scientists, it surpasses them in some advantages. Soya does not contain harmful organic compounds that exist in other products, and which, for example, hinder the absorption of calcium and promote osteoporosis.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to say unequivocally whether soy is safe and healthy.
Soy is safe for everyone as long as we consume it in the right amounts. Such a statement seems to be the most accurate in this case. Despite the dietitians’ claims that soy is very healthy and easily digestible, you can eat up to 70 g a day, which is about 2300 kcal in a basic diet containing a portion of legumes. Because soy is a popular legume used to produce margarine, milk, vegetable juices or oil. Soya as a rich source of protein is the basis of a vegetarian diet and is used as a meat substitute.
It is also believed that too much animal protein leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Soy products keep the protein content high but low in fat. This plant contains a lot of carbohydrates and fats, including the most valuable ones, i.e. unsaturated fatty acids. Soy also has B vitamins and minerals: phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium.
Soya for health.
Therefore, regular consumption of soy-containing products is healthy and necessary for the reasons mentioned above. Soybeans contain a lot of antioxidant substances that reduce the risk of heart disease, atherosclerosis and cancer. In addition, according to research, soy lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol by up to 20 percent.
Soy is a common ingredient in menopausal medications. It helps to go through this difficult condition for a woman more gently. Symptoms such as hot flashes, nervousness, sweating are not so troublesome thanks to the action of natural hormones – phytoestrogens. Doctors confirm that one of them – genisten – acts as a brake on the growth of cancer cells in the body, mainly in the reproductive organs.
The negative side of soy.
Despite its undisputed advantages, soy also has its dark sides. Like most legumes, it contains thioglycosides, i.e. chemical compounds that impair the functioning of the thyroid gland. Prolonged consumption of large amounts of soy can lead to the formation of goiter – an enlargement of this gland with the possible appearance of malignant nodules.
Soy milk tastes different than cow’s milk, it has a lot of protein and B vitamins, but less calcium and vitamin D, but it is often consumed by people who are allergic to cow’s milk. Also because soy milk does not contain lactose, which is usually not well tolerated by the digestive system of adults. This tasty milk (available on the market in various flavors, e.g. vanilla or chocolate) is sweetened with natural substances and enriched with calcium. This basically ideal product is distorted by the fact that soy milk substitutes can (even often) cause dysfunction of the digestive tract, which is manifested by vomiting, diarrhoea, sudden drop or increase in blood pressure, heart palpitations, fever. Doctors then find it difficult to recognize the cause of such a condition when a person with such symptoms suddenly lands in the emergency room. If these were the first, such severe symptoms, it is difficult for such a person to guess that soy is to blame for everything.
Soya allergy as one of the varieties food allergies causes similar symptoms. An allergy to this plant can appear completely unexpectedly after a very long period of its consumption. It is assumed that people who are allergic to cow’s milk may also be intolerant to soy milk.
Therefore, if you have problems with the tolerance of certain foods, it is better not to eat soy. You should know that soy products should be included in your daily diet in stages and in small amounts.