The trichologist named a procedure that she would not do on her hair

The trichologist named a procedure that she would not do on her hair

Not all beauty manipulations are created equal!

Women at any age want to be irresistible, and the beauty industry actively indulges them in this. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find a good master who will offer only those services that are needed and will not impose “special commercial offers”. Beauty experts know a lot of products and procedures, the effect of which is overestimated or questionable. This time, we figured out which hair services might be worth doubting.

Beauty experts know a lot of tools and procedures that you can doubt …

Recently, threadlifting is gaining popularity very quickly. This is one of the techniques in cosmetology, when liquid mesothreads are injected under the skin and gradually dissolve, stimulating more active collagen production. This procedure is usually done for a facelift, when the skin is thickened, tightened, tone returns and it really looks beautiful.

“What does hair have to do with it?” – you ask.

It turns out that the same technique exists for the scalp. It is said to improve blood circulation. But what do experts think about the newfangled procedure?

Dermatologist-trichologist with 17 years of experience.

Any mechanical injury, any impact on the skin causes some fibrosis. This is not very good for the scalp, because any fibrosis interferes with blood circulation and injures the hair follicle. Therefore, the procedure is unlikely to stimulate hair growth, – dermatologist-trichologist Irina Kotova answers our question. 

“But if you really want to strengthen your hair, then now the market is simply overflowing with various shampoos, balms, masks, fluids and other boosters (accelerators and enhancers. – Ed.),” The expert also notes.

In the subject

Another popular trend in the beauty industry is 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 products, which promise us a solution to several problems at once. Most often, we see such inscriptions on hair care products. Experts are also very skeptical about them.

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Irina Kotova, dermatologist-trichologist: 

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