The tragic finale of innocent fun. 13-year-old dies of anaphylactic shock after friend threw cheese at him

Karanbir Cheema suffered from a severe allergy. The 13-year-old was allergic, among others for dairy products. Once a friend threw cheese at the boy for a joke. Innocent fun ended tragically. As a result of contact with an allergen, the child got anaphylactic shock. He was taken to hospital unconscious, where he died after 10 days.

From birth, Karanbir Cheema struggled with many health problems. The boy was severely allergic to dairy, nuts, eggs and gluten. He also suffered from asthma and atopic dermatitis. The 13-year-old had to follow a special diet and be very careful. Despite his health problems, he was a very happy and well-liked child. He attended school willingly, studied well, and had many friends.

One day, one of his friends threw a teenager a piece of cheese behind his shirt. The seemingly innocent joke had dire consequences. Karanbir Cheema had an anaphylactic shock and had breathing problems. An ambulance was immediately called to the scene. The 13-year-old lost consciousness and was taken to hospital. He died after 10 days without regaining consciousness. The tragedy took place at the William Perkin Church of England High School in Greenford. 

Based on: independent

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