The tradition of clinking glasses: why and how to clink glasses correctly

In the modern world, the tradition of clinking glasses has long been considered a common thing and a pleasant continuation after a toast. But a few centuries ago, a person who refused to clink glasses would have been considered a real enemy.

The history of the tradition

The history of this tradition is not known for certain: some claim that it belongs to pirates, others say that it originated in ancient times, and still others attribute it to the French feudal lords.

But there is one thing that all three versions have in common. The fear of being poisoned was present in those days in almost everyone from an ordinary pirate to emperors and kings.

This type of killing was very popular in the past, as it required only a little resourcefulness. Therefore, the only way to protect yourself from death was the tradition of mixing drinks in the glasses of each person present during the feast.

In order not to look like a persecution mania, the drinks were poured to the top into glasses and hit each other hard before drinking. The contents of the vessels were mixed, and the risk of being poisoned was reduced.

The tradition of choking with alcoholic beverages

With the development of the culture of drinking alcoholic beverages, etiquette rules began to appear. They dictate to us the manner of behavior at the table. It is one thing when you consume strong drinks at home with family and close friends, it is quite another when you are in a restaurant or at a social reception: corporate parties, birthdays and weddings.

Do they clink beer

It is customary to clink beer only if the drink is poured into a glass. In bad form, it is considered the little finger protruding to the side.

How to clink vodka

If at the table, you drink vodka, then you should hold the glass with three fingers when you clink glasses, and drink it in one gulp.

How to clink wine and champagne

When drinking fortified, semi-dry and dry wine, a glass of wine can be held in two ways.

The first refers to the Eastern European tradition of clinking glasses – the glass is held by the stem with three fingers.

And the Western European tradition of clinking glasses – the glass is held by the container. The same goes for champagne flutes.

General rules for choking

With the elderly, people of senior social status and women – men should clink glasses, lowering their capacity, just below their capacity. This gesture will be a sign of respect.

If the person with whom you would like to clink glasses is sitting far away from you, then you should stand up and approach him, and not reach across the entire table.

Choking etiquette for women

A woman shouldn’t reach out first to clink glasses, unless it’s a bachelorette party. In other cases, her duties include only slightly raising her container and waiting for the man to reach out to her first.

When drinking on brotherhood, it is not necessary to clink glasses, for this it is enough to cross your arms and drink the contents from a glass or other container.

With whom and when you can not clink glasses

The most common superstitions are associated with women:

  1. If you clink glasses with a married unfamiliar man – this is a quick marriage.

  2. If with a young and single, then to financial well-being.

  3. But you can’t clink glasses with the last woman, this promises failure and the evil eye.

There is no rational explanation for the origin of these superstitions, but some historians believe that in this way an unmarried girl attracted the attention of a potential gentleman, thereby focusing attention on herself.

Why you can’t clink glasses with your husband

There is also a superstition that a woman should not clink glasses with her husband last, as this promises discord in the family, betrayal and other misfortunes.

When they clink with their left hand

A notable custom is to clink the left hand when drinking for love, for those who have not yet met it.

This custom applies to both women and men, but if you clink glasses for love with your right hand, you may miss your happiness.

Do they clink glasses at funerals

They do not clink glasses at funerals and commemorations. This is due to two factors, the clink of glasses is associated with the holiday, and the second refers to superstition.

It is believed that when they clink glasses at a funeral, the ringing frightens the soul of the deceased, and she cannot spend her last days among loved ones.

But in fact, at funerals and commemorations, it is not customary to drink at all, this is contrary to both religions and traditions of our ancestors. Strong alcoholic drinks began to be served on the table with the advent of Soviet power, and before that, the dead were commemorated with uzvar and kutya.

What they say in different countries when they clink glasses

In Eastern Europe: Russia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, etc., when they clink glasses, they say the well-known “We will” or “Health”.

Americans and British, when they clink glasses, say the generally accepted “Chiez” in the meaning of “Hurrah.”

But the Spaniards have the most interesting toast. When they clink glasses, they say “up-down-toward-inside” (Spanish: arribo – abajo – al centro – al dentro). These words are followed by similar actions. Drinkers first raise their glass, then lower it, push it towards themselves, clink glasses and finally drink.

General rule for first toast before choking

Many more different expressions can be cited, because each country has its own customs, but common to all is that before clinking glasses, the first toast is said by the owner of the house. If this is a secular reception, then the elder in status or age, and after his words, everyone clinks glasses and drinks.

It is important to note that clinking glasses after each toast is rather our tradition of the Slavic peoples and immigrants from the USSR.

In Europe and the Western world, they clink glasses only after the first toast, and then they simply raise containers of alcohol as a sign of agreement and respect.

Relevance: 01.11.2019

Tags: Tips and life hacks

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