The timing of planting lilies in the ground in the fall
Many garden jobs can be done during the fall months. Planting lilies in the fall is a common occurrence, since the bulbs of these flowers tolerate frost without any problems and start growing earlier.
Dates of planting lilies in autumn
Determining the timing of planting is quite difficult, since the weather in the fall is often unpredictable. If you rush and plant flowers too early, when the weather is still warm, they will start to grow, which is bad. But you shouldn’t plant them in frozen soil either. The most optimal time is when the average daily temperature does not rise above 10ºC.
Planting lilies in the fall is a guarantee of early flowering
Planting times vary depending on the climate in a particular area. For example, in the Urals or Siberia, planting is carried out in September, and in the middle regions – in October. In the southern regions, the dates may be postponed until mid-November. If frost begins after planting, it is better to cover the flowerbed with the planted bulbs.
The type of lilies is also of great importance:
- white lilies are planted before everyone else so that they take root before the onset of cold weather;
- after the whites, the Caucasian species are planted;
- hybrids are planted later than all.
Only fresh bulbs dug in the same year are suitable for autumn planting.
Planting lilies in the fall in the ground
For lilies, it is advisable to choose a sunny place. They bloom well in the shade, but they do not look as beautiful as in the sun. The soil should be fertile and loose.
Autumn planting is good in that you do not need to add fertilizers to the soil. Regular watering is also not required, as there will be more than enough rain.
The bulbs are planted to a depth of three times their diameter. But tall varieties need to be planted even deeper. This will provide them with sufficient humidity in the summer and protection from frost during the cold season.
The distance between the bulbs is between 10 and 25 cm, depending on the cultivar
At the bottom of the dug holes, you need to add a little sand mixed with ash. It is necessary to put the bulbs on the sand, carefully spreading their roots and slightly pressing them into the soil. They need to be covered with earth, watered abundantly and mulched with peat. In severe frosts and the absence of snow, the area with lilies must be covered with peat, dry leaves or needles. With the arrival of heat, the mulch must be removed, the main thing is not to rush so that the sprouts do not die from frost.
Lilies planted in autumn begin to bloom earlier, so this method justifies itself.