The timing of pear grafting on an apple tree
Pear grafting is a useful procedure. You can speed up fruiting and get a valuable variety. You can plant pear cuttings on apple, quince, hawthorn and mountain ash.
Choose strong, young and healthy cuttings for pear grafting.
Vaccination success depends on the timing. It is necessary that the buds begin to bloom on the scion. Prepare cuttings in advance – in the fall or in March. They can be stored in a cool place, for example in a cellar, so that the air temperature does not rise above 2-4 ° C.
Vaccination success depends on the timing. It is necessary that the buds begin to bloom on the scion. Prepare cuttings in advance – in the fall or in March. They can be stored in a cool place, for example in a cellar, so that the air temperature does not rise above 2-4 ° C.
In the fall, you can vaccinate if the weather is warm. The temperature during the day should not be much different from the night.
Spring is the most favorable time for vaccination, during this period active sap flow begins. Choose a time when there will be no frost and sudden temperature changes at night. Cuttings are very sensitive to cold weather. A warm, cloudy day in the second half of April is suitable for vaccination.
A method of grafting a pear on an apple tree
As a scion, quince and apple tree are most suitable. For grafting, you need a sharp garden knife, saw, pruning shears, wrapping tape and var. The day before the procedure, cut off the lower edge of the cutting, make an oblique cut. Place the end on a growth promoter.
An apple tree graft looks like this:
- To graft a cutting, you need to combine the stock and scion sections. To do this, make an oblique cut no deeper than 5 cm on an apple tree branch with a sharp knife. A similar cut is needed on the handle.
- Place the pear branch against the apple tree. Tie them together as tightly as possible. At this stage, be careful not to move the slices. If this happens, the branches will not grow together.
- Disinfect the wound above and below the cut. Cover it with garden varnish.
This type of vaccination is called budding. The method is the simplest.
There are other methods of vaccination. A simple copulation should be used if the apple shoot and the pear stalk are the same in diameter. Then the scion must be shortened in length, cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Then you need to attach the stock to the cut and wrap it with tape.
Summer varieties of pears are best grafted at the top of the crown, and autumn varieties on the lower branches
The success of the vaccination can be learned over time. If by the end of spring the buds begin to swell and bloom on the handle, then the procedure was successful. By autumn, the tape can be removed. The place where the scion grows with the stock can be broken in the first year, so be careful.
Grafting is possible only within the species, stone fruit – on stone fruit, seed – on seed. It is not necessary to choose varietal trees as a scion; a wild apple tree will do.