The time for anxiety and borderline comes

Euphoria alternating with depression, compulsive eating, mood disorders – will start to catch us more and more often. Psychiatrists say that 10 percent of Poles will have mental problems within 80 years. The nineteenth century was a century of obsessions and hysteria. What’s coming now? Learn about the most common disorders of the XNUMXst century.

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1/ 11 Anorexia and bulimia

Anorexia, or anorexia nervosa, is the patient’s feeling a strong fear of gaining weight and the desire to achieve a dream, often unreal figure. To achieve his goal, a person fasts, exercises vigorously, and sometimes also uses laxatives. The disease results in significant weight loss and related health problems. In anorexia, the most important thing is not the external effects of the disease, although in extreme cases they may turn out to be fatal, but its psychological background. Anorexia is the best described and researched disorder in the field of eating disorders. Although it mainly affects women, men are more and more often affected by it. The age of onset of anorexia also changes significantly and decreases, more than once to the age of less than 12 years. In order to treat it, the therapy, which can be distinguished by many varieties, turns out to be particularly effective. One of the most important types of it is family therapy, which allows you to have a proper impact on the patient’s everyday environment and support him in the fight against the disease. Anorexia is one of the most difficult mental disorders to treat. Many people say that, as with alcoholism, the disorder never completely heals, but only mutes. Bulimia is another eating disorder that affects us more and more often today. Binge eating and vomiting, thanks to which the sick person gets rid of food, and thus the fear of gaining weight, requires treatment by a psychiatrist and psychologist. Long-term therapy (lasting several years) as well as pharmacological support.

2/ 11 Bipolar affective disorder

We all have better days and bad days. Sometimes, however, frequent changes in mood may be a symptom of bipolar disorder. Usually, it begins between the ages of 20 and 30, although the heralded symptoms appear much earlier. Bipolar disorder means dealing with alternating episodes of mania and depression. Due to their type, there are four basic types. The former is characterized by depression and mania, the latter by depression and hypomania. The third is a rapid phase change, while the fourth is seasonal changes in mood (winter / summer). The factors influencing the development of “bipolar disorder” are mainly influenced by the genetic background, but also environmental factors, such as prolonged stress or forced insomnia, also play an important role. In the treatment of bipolar disorders, in addition to mood stabilizers or antidepressants, quite controversial but surprisingly effective electroshock therapy are also used, which are carried out when other forms of treatment fail. Contrary to appearances, they are not only effective, but also painless, because they are performed under anesthesia.

3/ 11 Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders, belonging to the group of neurotic disorders, affect both our behavior, thinking and emotions, as well as our physical health. They are one of the most common diseases of our time. They can appear as a result of biological factors, but also be conditioned by personality traits. They often occur collectively, which means that sufferers experience more than one type of anxiety. It might seem that each of us is afraid of something sometimes, but people affected by anxiety disorders often complain of constant fear and suffering so strong that it becomes an obstacle to normal functioning. These symptoms may be accompanied by depression, appetite disorders, addiction. In the treatment of anxiety disorders, therapy is key, as it aims to teach the patient to deal with fear independently and to control its somatic symptoms. Most often, these effects are achieved through relaxation training, muscle tension reduction and breathing techniques. It is more effective than pharmacotherapy.

4/ 11 Insomnia

We live in times when sleep is often equated with laziness and a lazy lifestyle. Not all of us are able to afford 8 hours of sleep, not to mention taking restorative naps during the day. After all, how many times have we heard that time is money? Often, not realizing the importance of sleep in our lives, we give it up in favor of parties until the morning or additional duties. Sometimes we all find ourselves in a crisis situation and there is no way out, it just has to be night. In a sleep disorder we can no longer fall asleep even when we try. Insomnia is a disorder of the normal rhythm, depth and duration of sleep. Then it does not fulfill its most important function, i.e. it does not regenerate. If the disorder lasts more than 3 weeks, it is classified as a disease. The most common causes of insomnia are mental problems such as depression or psychosis, but also the use of various medications or various somatic diseases, such as an enlarged prostate. It occurs more often in elderly people and in women than in men. This disease is not an indication for polysomnographic examinations. However, they are sometimes performed to distinguish insomnia from other disorders that have similar symptoms. This test is performed by recording the entire sleep cycle and its breathing, eye movement, and muscle tone with an electroencephalogram. Insomnia is a serious disorder that can significantly disrupt our functioning and harm our health, so if you suspect a disease, consult a specialist.

5/ 11 Post-traumatic stress disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder can be the result of participating in an event that was life-threatening or led to serious injury. Experiencing this situation, its participant experienced a feeling of terror or total helplessness. Such a person may experience the traumatic event endlessly, think back to it, dream about it, or even hallucinate that he or she is experiencing this threatening situation again. Then there is a strong tension and even pain in the body. It happens that the experienced trauma prevents social and professional functioning. If we notice such symptoms occurring after a traumatic event, we should contact a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

6/ 11 Depression

Many of us experience feelings of sadness or depression at times. Sometimes, however, it can turn into a long-term depressed mood. This is depression. We have no energy, we do not feel joy, often what previously gave us pleasure no longer enjoys. We feel helpless and aversion to life, we often have low self-esteem. Unlike other mental illnesses, depression is often neglected. Because it happens that we think depression is the domain of the weak and eager to get attention. And yet this is not true. The disease is caused by impaired functioning of synaptic transmitters, which causes changes in the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine. Most often it is genetically determined, but its disclosure and development are largely influenced by the environment in which we operate. Many people believe that symptoms that appear during depression should be “wait out”. This is a mistake. Failure to seek medical attention may result in suicide. In Poland, the number of people who took their own lives is similar to the number of people who died in car accidents. Let us seek help if we notice symptoms of depression in ourselves or in our loved ones. Remember, however, that pharmacological treatment is not enough. You have to change your lifestyle to a less stressful one, solve your family or work problems to expect a real improvement in your well-being.

7/11 Borderline

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by emotional instability, strong mood swings, and an unstable self-image. Relationships of people with BPD tend to be turbulent, and the disturbed person idealizes the partner to humiliate and belittle him in a moment. Even in a period of relationship stability, he is obsessed with fear of being abandoned and makes intense efforts to avoid it. Characteristic for this disorder is the chronic feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness in life, as well as self-destructive behavior. Treatment of BPD involves long-term therapy combined with pharmacology. Unfortunately, after the age of XNUMX, the personality can hardly be modified. The comforting news is that ten years later – in your forties, the intensity of mood swings and self-destructive behavior begins to decline.

8/ 11 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder consists of recurring, unwanted, intrusive thoughts and compulsive actions. In many people, they can manifest themselves, for example, in perfectionism, pedantism or oversensitivity to certain stimuli. They are accompanied by thoughts, images, and impulses that prevent you from completing your current tasks. People suffering from various obsessions recognize their irrationality, but cannot stop them. Compulsions are usually the reactions. It appears to create your own rigid rituals aimed at counteracting malaise (e.g. frequent hand washing in the case of an obsessive fear of bacteria) or preventing unfortunate events (constantly checking the lock on the door for fear of theft). However, compulsions do not provide real protection against threats, but only create the illusion of satisfying the needs created by our brain. Most patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder try to hide their symptoms from others. At the beginning of the disease, it is usually possible to hide symptoms from relatives and refrain from performing “rituals” outside the home. As the disease progresses, the behavior gets out of control. When we notice such disorders, intrusive thoughts or repetitive behaviors, we should visit a specialist for help in determining their cause and working on reducing them.

9/ 11 Autism

Early childhood autism, atypical autism and Asperger’s syndrome are the three faces of this developmental disorder. It is based on the different functioning of the brain. The consequences of this include cutting off from the outside world. Some patients feel loneliness and a huge emptiness. For others, the disease is combined with an extraordinary wealth of internal experiences. The disease can be a complication of hypoxia in the fetal and neonatal period. “Psychotropics” are relatively rarely used to alleviate the symptoms of the disorder. Most often it is based on behavioral therapy.

10/11 ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, commonly known as ADHD, is a group of neurodevelopmental mental disorders that include symptoms such as attention deficit, hyperactivity, hyperactivity or impulsiveness. Although ADHD is mainly attributed to young children, adults also suffer from it. Contrary to popular belief, it is not only a “difficult character” or the effect of poor parenting. ADHD is genetically determined and associated with neurobiological changes in brain function. Their intensity decreases significantly with age, but they are never completely cured. ADHD symptoms can contribute to low self-esteem, lack of self-acceptance, helplessness and fear of the world around them. And this is an important factor in the development of depression, sleep disorders and addictions. It is important to develop ways of coping with everyday duties, as well as controlling and planning time, despite the disease. When this does not help and disorders play a key role in our life, therapy and in extreme cases even pharmacological treatment may be helpful. Source: http //

11/ 11 Anxiety attack syndrome

When you are afraid to leave the house …

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