The three curious rules of Feng Shui to balance your home

The three curious rules of Feng Shui to balance your home


This art of Feng Shui deals with conscious occupation in the home and is one of the decorative trends of our day.

The three curious rules of Feng Shui to balance your home

Do you know what Feng Shui is? This ancient art comes from a very remote past as a useful tool that we can use to protect ourselves and harmonize the vital energy that flows through our being and is projected in our immediate space, in our homes and in our workplaces.

Erika SuberviolaAn expert in this art of location and interior designer, she knows the keys to get you started in this world. “Putting each object around us in its proper place has a particular purpose. The Feng Shui It can be put into practice through three basic principles:

In Feng Shui, everything is alive

Everything is alive. “In our home we have to be aware of the objects that surround us and that we have to influence them,” explains Suberviola.

In Feng Shui, everything is related

Everything is related. How is our house reflects how we are. Our house and the objects that surround us are our reflection, and they cannot be more balanced or harmonious than we ourselves are. If we change our home or workplace, we will change too. We can put it into practice through order and cleanliness, “he continues.

In Feng Shui, everything changes

Everything changes. Finally, Erika Suberviola differentiates this third category in this way: «If we change our house, we also change. A Chinese proverb says that if we refuse to change we are producing a stagnation. In the same way that we make changes, we change our surroundings. Resisting a fundamental change means that that space is not going to be functional for that person. As our priorities change, the house has to change with it.

5 ideas to fengshuize our house and our life

The author Laurence Dujardin, in her book «The secret of order for sloths», Brings readers closer to how to get a« fengshuised »and harmonious home. These are the 5 keys to achieve it according to the writer:

Choose a color that looks like us. What is the key word of feng shui, the one that governs the whole house? The energy, of course! And colors also give off energy, emit sensitive vibrations, and exert a profound and decisive influence on our behavior and mood. Our alert senses perceive this energy. The yang spaces are places of active life, such as the dining room, the living room or the kitchen, while the yin spaces are the places for tranquility and sleep, that is, the bathrooms and bedrooms. Yang colors: white, yellow, orange, red or pink. Yin colors: brown, gray, green, blue or black.

Light. The question is not to know what we would do without light, but above all what light we need. In the rooms in which a priori we activate (the office, the dining room, the kitchen), the yang pieces, we need a light that reinforces this overflowing activity. These spaces deserve lighting that comes from the ceiling, direct. Pendant lamps “downward lighting”, the famous lights on the work surface or table, are perfect. And then there are the spaces that should be left out of focus, illuminated in an indirect and scattered way so that we can relax … We must be more suggestive and place points of light here and there to create the environment favorable to endless exchanges with our friends or our boy. These scattered lights can be accompanied by pendant lamps directed towards the ceiling, less direct. And then there are the bedrooms, of course. The light and its color are essential to prepare for sleep or for a loooong night of love.

It smells good! Smells and aromas can create the ideal environment to relax, indulge in body and soul … But they can also cause discomfort, make us feel worse. Essential oils are booming, and for good reason. We simply seek well-being, and these products are very beneficial for our lives. Lavender, marjoram, or bergamot are great for fighting stress. And to tone up the house in the morning, nothing like lemon.

Position the mirrors correctly. The mirror is the most important and interesting accessory in Feng Shui, but it is also the most disturbing, the most dangerous … In short, an unavoidable element that you have to know how to use if you do not want to achieve the opposite effect to the one you want. Mirrors are an accessory associated with action in general and with yang pieces, where they energize and stimulate energy: living room, dining room, kitchen, entrance and study. They should be avoided in the rooms where the yin should reside, that is, the bedrooms. The exception is the bathroom, a yin piece, where mirrors are helpful in limiting damage and loss of good energy.

Dressing the rooms. Now that we have mastered the colors, we will play with them in the accessories: curtains, rugs, cushions and various objects. Dress, for example, white walls with objects that provide color and … symbolism (such as mandalas). The photos can also be a good help: places that we liked and to which we would like to go in an external aid area to attract the trip; people in the right area: family, children, love… It’s easy and it can be very profitable!

How do I know if I need Feng Shui

The expert in Feng Shui Erika Suberviola assures that there are many indications that warn that something in our lives, either personally or at work, does not go as we would like or should go, such as … Insomnia or feeling that home is not your place are some signs that something is wrong. «A long list of personal mismatches those we go through today are being influenced by the environment in which we live through everything that surrounds us ”, clarifies the interior designer Erika Suberviola.

How to decorate, according to Feng Shui

The answer is simple if you ask Suberviola. “With things we like.” Yes, it may seem obvious, but many times our home is full of objects that, either were given to us, or have been given to us, or are an inheritance … Why not leave them in the attic and have things in view that really attract us visually?

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