The threat of monkey pox is growing. WHO is calling a crisis meeting

The threat of monkey pox is increasing “with every hour, day and week”, recently admitted WHO Regional Director for Europe, Dr. Hans Kluge. The disease does not only spread to the Old Continent. Monkey pox has already been detected in 58 countries around the world. The situation is getting more and more serious. The WHO crisis committee will meet on July 18 at the latest.

  1. So far, 6 thousand. cases of monkey pox from 58 countries of the world
  2. 80 percent of these cases have been reported in Europe
  3. Head of WHO: Testing remains a challenge and it is highly likely that a significant number of cases go undetected
  4. The WHO crisis meeting on monkey pox is to be convened by July 18 at the latest
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The threat of monkey pox. “We don’t see what’s in the darkness”

Over 6 cases from 58 countries – these are the latest World Health Organization statistics on monkey pox. About 80 percent. of them are listed in Europe, but the disease is spreading all over the world. “I am still concerned about the scale and spread of the virus,” admitted the head of the WHO, adding: “Testing remains a challenge and it is highly likely that a significant number of cases go undetected.”

“I think when it comes to monkey pox, we can say that surveillance is very poor,” said the epidemiologist and executive director of the WHO’s health emergencies program in Fortune magazine. «What we see at the moment is a bit like a drunk man looking for a key under a lantern. We look where there is light, but we do not see what is in the dark ”.

The rest of the text below the video.

In a recent statement, WHO’s regional director for Europe also stressed that “there is no room for complacency” in the fight against the virus. He described the current situation as “a rapidly progressing epidemic which is expanding with every hour and week it is spreading”. As he pointed out, almost 10 percent. patients were hospitalized, fortunately there were no deaths in the region.

Another WHO crisis meeting. Will an alarm state be introduced?

“Urgent and coordinated action is necessary if we are to reverse the spread of this disease,” Kluge said in the statement. As you can see, the situation is getting more and more serious. At a recent meeting, the WHO ruled that monkey pox did not yet pose a public health concern and that there was no need for an emergency.

At the same time, Tedros insisted that the WHO was closely following the development of the virus and “as soon as possible” would re-convene a special committee to assess whether this is still the case. Concrete information on this has just come out. WHO has announced that it will convene a monkey pox crisis meeting. It is supposed to happen on July 18 or “even earlier, if it is justified”, emphasized the head of the organization.

Fortune reminds us that in 1980 smallpox was declared eradicated by WHO. So WHO officials point out that the population has a low level of immunity to smallpox viruses.

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