The thinner women of Kemerovo

Woman’s Day has collected five inspiring stories of girls who managed to cope with unnecessary pounds. If you have not yet gathered up the courage and started to get in shape, now is the time, because it is actually possible.

32 years

Lost 7 kg

Weight up to – 85 kg, weight after – 78 kg

Kim Protasov’s diet

Last year I came from Turkey, got on the scales and was horrified. “All inclusive” did its job: the arrow of the scales pointed to the number 85. The first reaction was shock, tears and resentment towards oneself. Three days later I decided that I needed to do something with myself, another day later the strength came to pull myself together. I remembered about Kim Protasov’s diet. In fact, it is designed for 5 weeks, but my extra 7 kg was gone after three, and I got a shortened version.

The principle is as follows:

1st and 2nd weeks – eat raw vegetables, cheeses and 5% yoghurts. Vegetables can be eaten at any time in any quantity. Three green apples are allowed. We drink two liters of water a day.

3th week – 300 g of fried fish, poultry or meat are added to vegetables and cheeses.

I love to eat, it is unbearably difficult for me to refuse kebabs and sweets. And how they beckoned at this very time! Now, in order to keep the weight, I have to stop eating after 18:00 and periodically arrange fasting days for myself on apples, kefir, or live on raw vegetables and dairy products for several days. I have no desire to be thin and wear a 42nd size, I think it’s ugly, a woman should have an ass and a chest, she should be appetizing. My goal has been achieved, and I am happy with my figure!

27 years

Lost 20 kg

Weight up to – 86 kg, weight after – 66 kg

Diet and exercise

Improper diet and a sedentary lifestyle led to the fact that my weight reached 86 kg. Along with the extra pounds, a lot of problems appeared, especially with health. I decided to drastically change my life – to go to Cambodia for a year and lose weight. I will say right away – everything worked out for me, and I still adhere to the chosen way of life.

The most important thing is nutrition

I eat 4 to 6 times a day in small portions. I almost don’t eat sugar and salt, I gave up semi-finished products and canned food, baked goods, sweets and alcohol. My food is fish and lean meat in any form, but not fried. Raw vegetables and fruits, eggs, low-fat dairy products, cereals and whole grain breads. I drink at least 1,5 liters of liquid a day: water with ginger, lemon, cinnamon and cayenne pepper, green tea, coffee without cream and sugar. I definitely eat half a grapefruit in a day. Another important component of the fight against excess weight is physical activity. I try to move as much as possible, walk a lot.

Not to say that everything went smoothly for me. At first it was very difficult for me, especially forcing myself to drink so much water. But impressive results began to appear in the first three months, and that inspired me. For the year I got rid of 20 extra pounds.


My state of health has changed – I am confident, calm, I am almost always in a great mood. The condition of the skin and hair has improved, sleep and the work of the gastrointestinal tract have normalized. It became easier for me to pick up clothes. But the most surprising thing is that the taste sensations have changed. I feel and distinguish the taste of food more sharply, my sense of smell has become thinner. Now I am working to lose another 10 kg.

25 years

Lost 20 kg

Weight up to – 75 kg, weight after – 55 kg

Buckwheat diet, diet

My usual weight has always been in the range of 55-60 kg. But a few years ago I got sick, I had to take hormonal pills, which added 20 kg to me. At first, I began to feel uncomfortable in my usual clothes – here it squeezes, there it presses, it does not fasten here. And when I saw the mark 75 on the scales, I was just shocked. I had to completely renew my wardrobe and alter all my favorite dresses. I felt huge and clumsy, it was hard for me physically and mentally. And I went in for sports. I went to fitness, salsa, aerobics, but the weight did not go anywhere.

Buckwheat diet

I learned from my friends about the buckwheat diet. To be honest, this diet is not for everyone, you need incredible willpower. Just imagine: eat the same thing for a whole week – 2 glasses of buckwheat (not cereals, but the most common cereals), brewed overnight with 2 glasses of kefir or 2 glasses of warm water. I hated buckwheat! But my torment was not in vain – in a week I lost almost 7 kg.

I was inspired by the result, but I realized that I simply wouldn’t survive on one buckwheat, I’d lose it. Then my mother suggested to me a more humane diet, it lasts 6 days.

Six Day Diet

Sweets, salt, soda, fried foods, flour and potatoes should be completely excluded from the diet. You can drink green tea without sugar and black coffee and drink 1,5 liters of water per day. Allowed products can be eaten in any quantity boiled, cooked in the oven or steamed.

1st day – fish

2nd day – vegetable

3rd day – chicken, eat only breast

4th day – porridge on the water

5th day – low-fat kefir and cottage cheese

6th day – fruits, except bananas, grapes and melons

I did this: 2 weeks of diet, 1 week of rest. And so she repeated until the desired result. During rest, you can eat all the same products. For example, fish with buckwheat garnish (brrr!) Or chicken with vegetables.


Thanks to this diet, I got rid of 10 kilograms. The remaining kilograms went away when I started going to pole dance, pole acrobatics. Thanks to this, I now keep myself in great shape. The loads are very large, all muscle groups are strained, so the muscles and skin are tightened.

33 years

Lost 40 kg

Weight up to – 94 kg, weight after – 54 kg

Diet, diet of Kim Protasov and physical activity

I started to gain weight rapidly after giving birth. We decided, since I don’t have enough milk, I need to eat more, and it began: fatty soups, fried meat, pies, buns, salads … and, after standing on the scales after 1,5 years, I realized with horror that my usual 54 kg turned 94.

It was real hell. I was constantly hot, I was tormented by shortness of breath, I climbed to our 4th floor for about 20 minutes, constantly stopping to rest. My hair and skin deteriorated, my intimate life came to naught. With all this, I did not find the incentive to lose weight. I was already used to eating a lot, and could not stop. But then one evening my husband hugged me and said: “What, kitty, you are fat-I-I-I …”. He said without malice, with a note of sympathy. I was not offended, but his phrase did not get out of my head. And the next morning, instead of the traditional huge sausage sandwich, I drank a glass of water and firmly decided to get myself in shape.

I began to eat less. My diet included cereals, light soups, fresh vegetables and fruits – everything that my son also ate. I started drinking a lot of water. I did not have any special diet, I did not deny myself anything, I ate several times a day, but little by little. The weight went away painfully slowly. And then one day on one of the channels I saw a program about fitness. The first day I just watched – it was hard to jump. But the very next I got up in front of the TV and began to study with them. And so three times a day – morning, lunch, evening. And it went! From March to September, I lost 24 kilograms. Kaya I was happy – after all, I could, I did it! As it turned out, I was happy early – my weight was “stuck” by 70 kg. I walked, gave up chips, mayonnaise, sausage – nothing helped. Until I noticed how my work colleague had built. She also advised me on the diet of Kim Protasov. This was my first diet experience, I won’t say that it was easy for me, but I set a goal for myself and decided to achieve it. The diet lasts 5 weeks.


First and second week:

At any time of the day, you can only eat raw vegetables, grained 5% cottage cheese and 5% fat yogurt in any quantity. You can eat one boiled egg a day and three green apples.

Third week:

We reduce the amount of yogurt, add 300 g of fried meat per day to the rest of the products. You can eat both fish and poultry.

Fourth and fifth weeks:

The most important, it is at this time that the weight begins to go away intensively. Be sure to drink 2 liters of water a day, we drink green tea and coffee in any quantity. We still eat vegetables, cottage cheese, meat, eggs and apples.


This diet helped me a lot – I was able to lose the remaining 16 kilograms and return to my weight – 54 kg. I breathed a sigh of relief. But after what I had to go through, I realized: you need to always keep yourself in shape. Every morning I swing my abs, raise my legs to prevent fat from settling in the most problematic places – on the stomach and thighs. I signed up for boxing, but you can do any exercise. Your body, freed from extra pounds, will gladly accept any physical activity.

I still keep my old things – a shapeless jacket, huge pants that two of me will now fit into – as a reminder of what can happen if I stop loving my body and stop watching it.

Lost 50 kg

Weight up to – 120 kg, weight after – 70 kg

Proper nutrition and exercise

To be honest, I always wanted to be slim, but there were also excuses: “I like everything anyway”, “slow metabolism”, “heredity”, “wide bone”. But neither tears after shopping (it is very difficult to find youth clothes of size 56), nor “sharp” words in my back could guide me on the right path. My relatives said that I looked like this (120 kg), that I couldn’t imagine another person, and that calmed me down.

What happened to me on January 7, 2012 – I don’t know! But at one point I decided that was enough! Maybe the promotion of healthy lifestyles in social networks worked, maybe she was just tired of this severity, physical and moral (“woman”, not “girl” has already begun to contact me). And already on January 8, I did not run to the refrigerator, but began to delve into the vastness of the Internet in search of a wonderful way to “lose weight in 1 day”, but I quickly realized that this was impossible.


Like many people, I started to sit on the most severe diets “today two apples, tomorrow two oranges” … Weight began to drop rapidly. Together with my general well-being. After a month of exhausting diets, having lost 10 kg, I realized that something needed to be changed!

I am often asked the question: “What is your secret?” My answer is simple: “You need to eat less!” I included in my diet fruits, vegetables, rice, buckwheat, chicken breast, fish, dairy products. Refused fried, salty, fatty, bread. And she easily parted with another 10 kg.

It is important to give yourself time and not try to throw off what you have been eating for 10 years in six months. When I stopped pushing myself into frames, it became more pleasant to live, sometimes I can afford to eat tightly, knowing that later I will make a fasting day.

It is important to learn to listen to yourself, find your balance, learn to understand what the body needs. All my life I was sure that I had no willpower, but I was just too lazy to listen to myself!

Физическая активность

We must not forget about physical activity, every day you can find a little time for your body, not lie on the couch, but shake your abs, not drink tea, but jump rope. If there is no money for an instructor, then you can easily find a video on the Internet. I have tried many things: body wraps, anti-cellulite massage, creams, fitness, sauna. I can’t say what exactly helped, but I think that everything is in the complex.


Now already 67 kg! There were many supporters on the Internet, someone asks for advice, someone is trying to find out the “secret”, someone just believed in themselves and wrote “Thank you!” The reaction of people whom I have not seen for a long time is very amusing: something between delight, horror and envy. Shopping trips have become pleasant, now I have sizes everywhere (which is nice – there are things that are big for me), it’s nice that I can sit down and hug my knees, a lot of such little things have appeared (walking in heels, no shortness of breath, I don’t sweat, became more self-confident). Most importantly, I became a mom! Now my goal is not just to lose weight, but to be healthy and strong, I need a lot of energy, I am raising a man!

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