“My wife stopped the pill at the end of July, and in mid-September she had tremendous pain in her lower abdomen. Used in her youth to have very painful periods, she allowed the pain to set in while taking Doliprane® to support it better. After three days of unbearable pain and sleepless nights, the decision was made to go urgently to the gynecologist. At that time, we had not suspected a pregnancy because we did not think of a conception so fast. The gynecologist then asks us to do a blood test and an ultrasound.
On ultrasound, nothing appears: impossible to know the origin of these pains. When at the end of the day, I go to collect the results of the blood test, I am very happy, so happy. I call my wife to tell her. She is a little confused, because all this information is not easy to manage: she is pregnant, but at the same time, she has tremendous pain which is probably not normal. Five minutes after hanging up, she calls me back to tell me to get home as soon as possible… We have to go urgently to the hospital, because it is probably an ectopic pregnancy.
It’s the cold shower. I was on cloud nine thirty seconds ago, but I’m down after this announcement. I rush home and we go to the hospital. After further examinations (blood test and ultrasound), we are asked to come back in 48 hours to see if the level of beta-HCG (pregnancy hormone) increases correctly. This was the only possible indicator of pregnancy, since nothing could still be seen on the ultrasound. As for the pains, which come back in waves, the doctors can not tell us anything and do nothing. My wife has to put up with them. We are helpless. This horrible wait will last for a week. We go to the emergency room every 48 hours for a blood test and an ultrasound. Then we are finally told that this time, for sure, my wife is pregnant! We’re having a baby! A magical moment. We asked internally if we had the right to rejoice. He told us yes.
We didn’t say anything to each other at the time, but my wife’s sparkling eyes and her smile spoke. After a few minutes, I looked at her and said, “We’re going to be parents,” with a smile from ear to ear. I had to repeat this sentence twenty times while I got home. At that point, the pains subsided. I was excited like a flea, I could not keep still. There was only joy, happiness and tremendous relief to know my wife healthy, to know that our little one was evolving properly. Even if, somewhere, we didn’t expect it to happen so quickly, we really wanted to have a child… We waited three months before starting to talk about it, because even though the pains had passed, there were always the risks of the first few months.
Since then, the pregnancy has gone wonderfully, we have two months left before the arrival of our shrimp. I still admire my wife and all that she was able to endure today. I did not know her so strong and so determined. I would like to take this opportunity to tell her that I love her more than anything and that I am more than happy to have a child with her. ”