The terrible truth about the benefits of alcohol

Everyone knows about the dangers of drinking. At the same time, almost nothing is known about its benefits. But in fact, alcohol has long been used in folk medicine. The hackneyed truth: that in large doses – poison, in small quantities can become a panacea. So, what can be cured with your favorite drinks, and how?

Let’s start simple. A chilled decanter, viscous “Aqua Vita”, like oil pouring into a tall glass just from the freezer … The author’s big weakness. Or maybe the other way around? What will help cure the “ovitis”?

“Whisky is the most popular of all remedies that do not cure colds.”

Jerry Weil

It turns out a lot! Pure vodka, in the amount of 25-30 grams per day, is drunk, for example, by people who are forced to breathe polluted air – it removes toxins from the lungs. A small “lunch” stack keeps cholesterol levels down, therefore, theoretically, it can prevent the development of heart and vascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes. Vodka reduces blood sugar levels – the risk of diabetes, respectively, too.

Many classic folk medicines are made from vodka mixtures. In case of indigestion, knowledgeable people advise drinking vodka with salt and / or pepper – a couple of pinches per glass. Garlic tincture will increase the tone, clean the blood vessels and reduce the risk of catching a cold in the winter.

А peppercorn traditionally recommended as a remedy for influenza and acute respiratory infections – for this you can use purchased, homemade alcohol or quickly mix ordinary vodka with a mixture of black, red pepper and paprika. Personally, at the first sign of a cold, I drink a glass of such a cocktail before going to bed and in 70% of cases I wake up almost healthy.

“And whoever has a sick heart, he doesn’t need cognac. Vodka with pepper! But you just need to stir it all equally, there is a little fortified – two glasses, no more! Three is better. But maybe four. Mix all this. How do you give! I woke up – and you won’t find where the heart is!

Newsreel Wick “Sober Approach”

Just do not forget – narcologists say that it is vodka, or rather all drinks based on rectified alcohol, that most quickly causes addiction. The purer the drink, the harder it will be to part with it. Fact!

“The first cognac dilates blood vessels, the second – self-conceit”

If one glass was not enough for you – we continue to be treated further! We extract grandfather’s cognac from the bins. And the more stars – the more useful properties.

So, 20-30 grams: they will help relieve migraine and angina pectoris, headache, soothe swollen nerves, relieve stress, mixed with beaten egg white – they will help with coughing, and even increase potency! Tannins relieve toothache a little – if your teeth hurt, then it’s not a pity to rinse your mouth with Napoleon.

When I was a vocalist, I used brandy like this: I poured 100-150 grams into a cup of hot tea and drank it 30-40 minutes before the concert. It relaxes the ligaments, improves voice coordination, memory and, of course, completely kills stage fright!

Useful and other strong drinks. For instance:

  • Tequila is recommended for diseases of the intestines and stomach, it is even credited with treating ulcers and preventing gastrointestinal cancer.
  • Rum is good for breathing, helps relieve spasm when coughing, cleanses the trachea and bronchi. And in the composition of grog, rum is an excellent prophylactic against colds.
  • Whiskey, like cognac, counteracts heart attacks and contains a lot of vitamin B.

Embalmed, embalmed, but not embalmed…

In my youth, I found the perfect hangover cure for me. A balm is taken: pharmacy “Vigor” or store-bought “9 forces”, “Old recipes”, mixed in a beer glass in half with cola and drunk in one gulp. Not even 10 minutes pass, as this miraculous drug causes a surge of strength, improved well-being, good mood and a healthy sparkle in the eyes. And the fact that at the same time the heart begins to pound so that it is about to jump out – who cared about it at the age of 17? But, as they say, suum cuique.

“For a long time, doctors have tried all medicines on themselves. That is why tinctures and balms are made with alcohol.

The most famous healing alcoholic remedy for the layman is gin, or rather gin and tonic. The tonic was developed by English doctors for the prevention of malaria, it contained a very large amount of quinine, a bitter and nasty substance. British legionnaires came up with the idea of ​​diluting the potion with gin – so, of course, it tastes better. The resulting cocktail has become extremely popular – it has not only an exquisite taste, but also excellent anti-hangover properties. So if you are afraid of malaria or a hangover, know that two good spirits – gin and tonic – will save you from these misfortunes.

These balms were also made for the treatment of certain diseases:

  • Riga – as a remedy for renal colic.
  • Becherovka – for the treatment of problems with the intestines and stomach.
  • Jägermeister – to improve digestion, a kind of German “festal”.
  • Angostura – as a remedy for seasickness and tropical fever.
  • Goldwasser – Danzig liqueur on anise and pieces of real gold. In the XNUMXth century, tincture was considered almost a panacea. What the precious metal heals from is not clear. Not from greed?
  • Campari – chilled is an anti-hangover remedy due to the high content of vitamin C.
  • Chartreuse – very much helped the French monks to thump without breaking the fast.

In general, the effect of the balm depends on what “broom” of herbs is included in its composition. But almost all of them help to strengthen the immune system, restore strength, and relieve mental fatigue. And you need to drink them very little – 1-2 teaspoons a day. Although your obedient servant somehow sentenced a whole bottle of my grandmother’s “Bittner” – and alive.

7 battles of the best Crimean wines each!

Probably everyone knows about the usefulness of wine. Scientists have noticed more than once that “wine” countries not only live longer, but also suffer less from heart disease, tuberculosis, and during various epidemics, mortality in such regions is lower.

  • Red.

Traditionally considered the most useful. Normalizes the work of the heart and gastrointestinal system, slows down aging, is prescribed for the treatment of anemia. Mulled wine is a well-known anti-cold drink. Italian wine Chianti prevents the development of atherosclerosis and lowers cholesterol levels.

A good port or Cahors will help with insomnia – they need to pour dill seeds (5 tablespoons), heat up to 70° and insist 10-12 hours. Eat 50-60 grams before bedtime.

  • White.

It affects the heart and blood vessels no worse than red: it normalizes the absorption of glucose by the heart, counteracts atherosclerosis, calms pressure, metabolism and prevents salts from being deposited in the joints. A “strong” white port treats some nervous disorders.

There is an unusual recipe for wine “pepper” for dry cough: 6 tbsp. l. pepper, a glass of wine, mix everything, heat and strain, drink three times. An abomination, perhaps, but they say it helps. 

  • Shampoo.

Champagne – of course, not carbonated shmurdyak, but normal sparkling wine – perfectly removes fluid from the body, stimulating the kidneys, due to which it is prescribed for edema. From a glass of “foamy drink No. 2” appetite will improve, irritability will go away, blood will be enriched with oxygen. Even depression is treated with this cheerful wine!

If you feel the approach of a cold, use an old French recipe: throw 2 tsp into a glass of champagne. sugar, heat almost to a boil (although how to determine that the champagne is boiling?), drink before going to bed. The tannins contained in the drink, under the influence of sugar, will develop antibodies overnight, selenium will reduce the soreness of symptoms, sulfur will prevent infection from spreading through the body, and magnesium will relieve muscle fatigue.

And finally …

What to catch up with if not a mug of beer? Cold, in a misted glass, with droplets of condensate flowing down the pot-bellied sides … you will have to forget. The properties of this drink – at least bactericidal – are best manifested in a heated form.

But warm beer is a noble abomination. To improve the taste, honey, cinnamon or other spices are added to it. They drink, like other alcoholic “medicines” at the very beginning of a cold. Some advise to use a similar drink for sore throats, but I would not: beer contains yeast cultures, which feeds the foci of infection that have settled in the throat.

The medicine is first prescribed and then drunk. Beer is first drunk and then discharged.

Unknown author.

But that’s not all! Beer, especially dark beer, reduces the risk of cataracts, improves vision in general and counteracts the development of urolithiasis, various edema due to strong diuretic properties, and vitamin B6, contained in excess in this drink, strengthens blood vessels.

Summarizing, we can recall the well-known aphorism: “alcohol helps against all diseases! Except alcoholism. But its course also makes it much easier!

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