
Cuddling with strangers in the cold; frighten the city authorities by lying down on the sidewalk in theatrical poses… These and other unusual acts are performed by participants in flash mobs. They do not know each other personally, but they agree on joint actions on the Web. The phenomenon is commented by a psychologist.

Cuddling with strangers in the cold; frighten the city authorities by lying down on the sidewalk in theatrical poses… These and other unusual acts are performed by participants in flash mobs. They do not know each other personally, but they agree on joint actions on the Web.

Initially emerging in the metropolitan Internet environment, today the flash mob occupies new positions: almost weekly actions are held in Nizhny Novgorod, Vladivostok, Chelyabinsk and other cities, the number of their participants is growing, the scenarios are becoming more complicated … What attracts people to these seemingly meaningless actions ? The phenomenon is commented by a psychologist.

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