The technology of warming the cube of the moonshine still

When the mash is heated, part of the heat escapes through the walls and lid of the distillation cube, which increases the distillation time, disrupts the stability of the entire system, and also increases the cost of energy and water. Cube insulation effectively solves the above problems, while the most affordable and cheap materials are needed, and the entire modernization process takes no more than an hour. In addition to the heat-insulating material itself, you will also need metallized tape and ties.


1. Save time. With an insulated cube, the distillation time is reduced by 15-25% (the effect depends on the volume of the container, the type of energy source and the heating power). Often, if the entire distillation took 6-7 hours, then after warming it will take 4-5 hours.

2. Saving resources. By reducing the distillation time, energy costs for heating (very important for electric stoves) and water for cooling the coil are reduced.

3. Comfort. The heat of the cube does not heat up the environment, as a result, it is more pleasant for the moonshiner to work, since the temperature in the room is stable and almost does not depend on the turned on moonshine still.

4. Stability. Due to the minimal influence of external factors on the temperature inside, a system with an insulated alembic is more stable than a similar one without insulation. This is relevant in case of non-rhythmic cooling operation, for example, when the water pressure in the water supply is constantly changing or there is no possibility to use running water at all. Another common cause of imbalance is a draft, which is created even with open doors and windows.

5. Safety. The walls of the insulated moonshine cube heat up to a maximum of 35-40 ° C (the temperature of hot water from the tap), so there is no risk of getting burned by accidentally touching the wall, or provoking a fire if another object accidentally comes into contact with the cube.

Disadvantage: you need to purchase thermal insulation material, special tape and ties, then spend time upgrading.

How to insulate the cube of the moonshine still

For electric, induction stoves and heating elements inside the cube, foil insulation for baths and saunas 5 mm thick (foil polypropylene), a tourist rug (with foil) or other similar material that can withstand temperatures of 100 ° C is suitable as an insulating material. For reliability, it is better to take a material with a margin that does not burn, does not smoke and does not melt at 120 ° C.

Attention! In case of heating on a gas stove, in order to prevent fire, the cube is insulated with felt, and on top with asbestos. Another option is materials for stoves and fireplaces. The following is a step-by-step instruction for induction and electric heating sources.


1. You can insulate the cube with one continuous piece of material, but for ease of use, better effect and more beautiful appearance, it is better to divide the insulation into 3-4 even parts in diameter (strips). In this case, it is necessary to isolate not only the walls, but also the cover.

2. Try on the insulation on a cube, mark it in the right places, and then make cuts for handles, connecting heating elements or a drain tap for stillage (if any).

3. With a thickness of 5 mm, it is better to wear insulation in two layers. The first is foil to the cube. Then glue all the joints with metallic tape. Install the second part of the insulation, but with the foil out, then glue the joints again with tape.

The technology of warming the cube of the moonshine still
Metallized tape – the best solution for gluing joints

If one layer of insulation is planned, for example, a tourist rug, then it must be installed with the foil outward, since it will be easier to wash the cube in case the contents spill out.

4. Using a similar technology, insulate the lid of the cube (preferably in two layers), after making a cut in the material for the tube and other holes, for example, for a thermometer, if necessary. After installing the insulation on the lid, glue all the slots on the lid and walls of the cube with metallized tape.

5. To increase the reliability of the structure, fix the insulation on the walls with a load tie or in any other way. The screed must withstand temperatures of 40-45°C.

The technology of warming the cube of the moonshine still

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