The technology of preparation of the classic “Belovezhskaya” tincture

Belarusian spirits of brown color with a sharp taste, slight bitterness and aroma of herbs are remembered by many residents of the post-Soviet space. After the collapse of the USSR, the production of Belovezhskaya Gorkaya tincture ceased, and there are no worthy analogues yet, but the original recipe is known and available to the general public. True, the method of preparation is somewhat different from the usual infusion.

Historical information

Tincture “Belovezhskaya bitter” appeared in Belarus in the post-war years. The recipe was invented by the foresters of Belovezhskaya Pushcha to mask the low quality of their moonshine. To insist on a strong distillate, herbs growing on the territory of the reserve were used, then the taste was softened with sugar or honey.

The drink owes its popularity to Nikita Khrushchev in the USSR. Once, after a hunt in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU was presented with a tincture of foresters as a local treat. Khrushchev liked the drink so much that after some time technologists came to Belarus to find out the recipe. Subsequently, production was established and the tincture was highly appreciated not only by the party elite, but also by ordinary citizens.

The technology of preparation of the classic “Belovezhskaya” tincture

In the book Pishchepromizdat of 1962 “Recipes for liqueurs, liqueurs, punches, dessert drinks, tinctures and instructions for preparing semi-finished products for them”, the classic recipe for Belovezhskaya tincture and the complete preparation technology have been preserved. Thanks to this, you can recreate the original drink at home.


  • galangal (aka dubrovka or cinquefoil straight-through) – 25 grams;
  • dill seeds – 15 grams;
  • dried bay leaf – 10 grams;
  • sugar (honey) – 20-30 grams;
  • color (burnt sugar) – 6 grams (10 ml of water, 10 grams of sugar, 10 ml of vodka, 2 grains of citric acid);
  • alcohol (moonshine) – 1,5 l (60%) and 1 l (40%).

Direct-flow cinquefoil (the Belarusian name is dubrovka) can be bought at a pharmacy. With liquid honey (preferably herbal or flower), the tincture is softer, but sometimes becomes cloudy and needs to be filtered through cotton wool.

The technology of preparation of the classic “Belovezhskaya” tincture
Flower, leaves and root of kalagan

According to the classical technology, extracts (extracts) of individual herbs are first prepared in alcohol or moonshine, which are then added to the alcohol base – they make a blend. To obtain extracts, you need alcohol or a well-purified distillate with a strength of 60 degrees. Forty percent vodka, alcohol or moonshine is suitable as a basis.

Recipe for “Belovezhskaya tincture”

1. Separately pour dubrovka (cinquefoil), dill seeds and bay leaf into three glass containers. Pour alcohol or moonshine with a strength of 60% (0,5 liters in each container). Close hermetically.

2. Infuse for 28 days in a dark place at room temperature, shake once a day.

3. Strain through cheesecloth, squeeze lightly. The result is three herbal extracts.

4. Mix in a saucepan 10 ml of water and 10 grams of sugar. Put on the stove, bring to a boil. When foam appears, reduce heat to a minimum. The water will evaporate and the sugar will begin to darken, caramelized. You need to constantly monitor the process, otherwise the sugar will burn.

When the mixture turns the color of well-brewed but not strong tea, remove the pan from the stove. The whole process takes approximately 15 minutes. Cool to room temperature (sugar should thicken). Add alcohol (10 ml) and citric acid. Stir until the alcohol dissolves the caramel.

A detailed technology for preparing homemade sugar color for alcoholic beverages is discussed in a separate material. I do not recommend using food coloring and flavoring, this will significantly worsen the taste.

5. In 1 liter of vodka (alcohol, moonshine) with a strength of 40%, add 60 ml of cinquefoil infusion, 50 ml of dill extract, 10 ml of bay leaf tincture, sugar (honey) and cooked color.

From the remaining extracts, up to 8 liters of bitter Belovezhskaya tincture are obtained (until the cinquefoil runs out). Store extracts in a dark, cool place. The proportions of the blend can be done at your discretion, but for the first time it is better to stick to the classic ratios.

6. Close the container. Infuse for 30 days in a dark room at room temperature. Shake once a day.

7. If sediment or turbidity appears (it happens when honey is added or a low-quality alcohol base is used), at the end of preparation, filter the drink through cotton wool. Store in a place protected from direct sunlight. The shelf life of the bitter “Belovezhskaya” tincture is 3 years. Fortress – 43%.

The technology of preparation of the classic “Belovezhskaya” tincture

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