One of the useful plants, which is often grown in vegetable gardens and household plots, is onion. It is with great pleasure added to all types of salads. Most often, gardeners grow onion seedlings from seeds, and only then transplanted into the ground. In this article, we will look at how to properly grow onion seedlings from seeds.
General rules
Many people think that growing onion seedlings from seeds is a very difficult and troublesome process. But in fact, you just need to know and follow the basic rules, and you will succeed.
Growing onions in seedlings is considered one of the best, since this method allows you to grow an excellent crop. You can get onion seedlings even at home. You only need the following components:
- selected onion seeds;
- pre-prepared soil;
- capacity. It is best to take flower pots or boxes;
- polyethylene film.
In order to grow a good crop, you need to follow a few recommendations that are suitable for growing any kind of onion seedlings.
General rules for growing onions through seedlings:
- for these purposes, peninsular and sweet varieties of onions are most suitable;
- sowing seeds for seedlings is usually carried out at the end of February. Although you can find information that this process is carried out in early spring;
- before sowing, the seeds must be soaked for 8-10 hours in warm water (its temperature should be in the range of 30-35 ° C);
- then the seed must be dried;
- remember that the planting rate is 20 g per 1 m2. Planted seeds, to create a more favorable germination climate, can be covered with plastic wrap on top. This film must be periodically removed to provide the seeds with access to fresh air;
- after the seeds have been planted, they should be watered and weeded;
- when the seedlings are ready (approximately two months after planting), they are planted in the ground at a permanent place of growth;
- before planting in the ground, the root system and the top of the stem of young seedlings are cut a little.
This section contains only the basic rules, by applying which you can grow any type and variety of onions. But it should be remembered that for each plant variety there are agrotechnical characteristics that must be taken into account when growing onions through seedlings.. These requirements can usually be found on the back of a pack of purchased seeds. In addition, you can consult with a more experienced gardener on this issue.
Pros of growing through seedlings
Growing onion seedlings has many advantages over other methods. The main and indisputable advantage of this method is that it is possible to grow onions through seedlings even in regions with a not very suitable climate (for example, in the northern regions of the country) and get good-quality bulbs even from an annual plant.
Also quite a significant advantage of this method is its cost-effectiveness. Often, the method of growing onions through seedlings is used in areas where a small planting area is available. Even in small areas, using the method of growing onion seedlings, you can collect a fairly large amount of crop. When using the seedling method, 3-4 times less seeds are spent than with direct cultivation, but the yield is always better.
Experienced gardeners in this way recommend growing the following semi-sharp peninsular onion varieties: Krasnodar 35, Kaba, Karatal and many others. These varieties produce large bulbs in the first year. The seeds of the following varieties also germinate well in this way: Lyubchik, Veselka, Globus, Mavka, Amphora, Candy F1, Sterling F1, Daytona F1, Exhibition F1, Kopra F1.
Another advantage of the method of obtaining onion seedlings is the fact that it does not require much manipulation, it is very economical in terms of physical strength, and the effectiveness is much higher than when growing onion from sets.
The use of this technique makes it possible to prevent the shooting of the plant, which contributes to a better ripening of the bulbs themselves. After the harvest has been harvested, such bulbs do not germinate or rot for 9 months, which makes them very beneficial for storage.
All stages of this process can be easily carried out at home, and you will always have fresh onions for the festive table.
Growing seedlings
We have given the basic rules for growing onion seedlings above. In this section, we will dwell in more detail on the technology of growing onions with seeds for seedlings.
Growing seedlings in containers
Sowing seeds, as noted earlier, is carried out either in boxes or in pots.
Technology for planting seeds in boxes (or other containers):
- onion seed is planted at a distance of 4 to 6 cm between rows;
- on average, seed consumption depends on the species and ranges from 15 to 20 g per m2;
- then the boxes should be placed in a room where the air temperature will fluctuate within about + 18–25 ° С;
- when the first shoots appear, the temperature indicator will need to be reduced to + 14–16 ° С. This temperature will prevent seedlings from stretching;
- during the germination period, the seedlings need to be fed with fertilizers (an infusion of chicken manure diluted to 1:10 is very good for this purpose).
The germination period lasts an average of about 50-60 days. During this time period, seedlings should form three or four true leaves.
Growing seedlings in a greenhouse
You can grow onion seedlings not only in any container, but also in greenhouses.
Technology of growing seedlings in a greenhouse:
- First you need to prepare a steam bed. To do this, biofuel is placed as a base, and covered with a 10 cm layer of earth on top. This layer thickness will keep the heat in the garden. On top of this soil, specially prepared greenhouse soil is poured into the garden. Greenhouse soil can be prepared as follows: one part – rotted sawdust, 4 parts – greenhouse humus, one part – peat chips and 4 parts – soddy land. Then one teaspoon of superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate, as well as half a glass of wood ash are added to a bucket of the prepared mixture. It is impossible to bring into such a bed the land in which onion crops previously grew;
- the bed should be well lit, so it is best to place it near windows;
- before sowing seeds, they should be prepared: soaked, dried, calibrated and treated with microelements. Be sure to pre-disinfect them;
- when sowing into the ground between seeds, as well as when planting in boxes, the distance should be about 5 cm, and between the seeds themselves – 1 cm. Planting depth – 1-1,5 cm;
- after planting the seeds, they are sprinkled with humus on top;
- after that, the rows are carefully watered from a small watering can with a sieve with warm water;
- then the surface of the soil should be rolled and mulched with peat chips. Its layer should be 1 cm thick.
For effective germination of onion seeds, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature in the greenhouse in the range of + 18-20 ° C. This temperature should be kept for a couple of weeks. Under these conditions, the first shoots will appear in two weeks. As soon as you see the first sprouts, the air temperature in the greenhouse should be lowered to + 10-11 ° C for 4-5 days, and then the temperature can be raised to + 15-16 ° C during the daytime, and at night – up to + 10- 12°C. In severe night frosts, the greenhouse from above can be covered with insulating material. This will help prevent the seedlings from stretching. Also during this period, ventilation of the greenhouse is allowed.
When the seedlings are healthy and strong, as well as in warm weather, periodic removal of the film from the greenhouse is allowed to prepare and harden the onions for outdoor growth.
Usually onion seedlings are grown without picking. If thinning is necessary, the distance between adjacent plants should be at least 1,5 cm and not more than 2 cm.
Two weeks before planting seedlings in the ground, it is placed in conditions of shortened daylight hours (less than 10-12 hours). This will speed up the ripening process of the bulbs. In the same period, every 2 or 3 days, the seedlings are watered and fertilized with nitrophos (1,5 tablespoons of the substance are added to a bucket of water). Before planting the onion in the evening, it must be watered very well.
Video “Sowing onions for seedlings”
This video is about how to sow onions for seedlings in a container: soil preparation, fertilizer, top dressing, care, sowing different varieties of onions.
Landing in the ground
After the onion grown by seedlings in a box or in a greenhouse has reached the age of 55 or 60 days, it is transplanted into open ground. Early or late planting can have a very negative impact on the adaptive abilities of plants. If the seedlings grew in a greenhouse, then it should be planted with a small earthen clod.
Stages of planting seedlings in the ground:
- seedlings need to be sorted. Underdeveloped and damaged seedlings are not planted;
- roots and leaves are cut off by about 1/3;
- then they are dipped in a mash, which is made from mullein and clay.
Direct landing is carried out only in warm and dry weather. Usually the above manipulations are carried out in mid-April. The bed is prepared in the form of a cut furrow. Before planting seedlings, all beds are well watered.
The seedlings are deepened into the ground by 2 cm (1 cm more than before you planted the seeds in a box or pot). The distance between the rows should be about 50-55 cm. Plant density averages 550 pcs. at 10 m2. Then the planted plants need to be watered abundantly (for 40 pieces of seedlings 8–10 liters of water). After that, the earth is compacted to remove internal voids, and then mulched. You can loosen only three days after disembarkation.
If you have carried out all the above steps correctly, then the seedlings will quickly take root and grow. Caring for plants after planting in open ground comes down to the following manipulations:
- top dressing of onions is carried out two weeks after planting seedlings. You need to feed with bird droppings or a solution of mullein (1:10). 25 g of urea is added to one bucket of this infusion. Top dressing is carried out in such a way that 10 liters of the resulting solution goes to fertilize 10 m of plantings;
- the second top dressing is carried out with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in mid-June;
- periodic weeding of plants from weeds;
- watering as needed;
- do not forget to loosen the soil from time to time.
Using the seedling method for growing onions will allow you to get a good harvest.
Video “Growing onions from seeds in one season”
This video contains detailed tips on growing onions from seeds. By following these tips, you will be able to reap a good harvest of onions in the same year.