The technique to jump rope well and take advantage of its benefits

The technique to jump rope well and take advantage of its benefits


The rope is an excellent cardiovascular exercise, perfect to burn calories, strengthen the heart or regain bone mass

The technique to jump rope well and take advantage of its benefitsPM3:37

If we look back a couple of years, not many, the camber it was a female game. At school recess, groups of girls were stored who spent time jumping with this rope while singing the songs of that time, and that is how this material for sports was related to effeminate personalities.

Luckily later we began to see boxers training with the rope because that was when men were attracted to this sports accessory. And do not think that jumping rope is just passing the time, it is an exercise that in addition to teaching us to control our breathing, puts the whole body in motion, among other benefits.

La camber It is an excellent cardiovascular exercise, perfect to burn calories, strengthen the heart or regain bone mass. Arms, legs, abdomen … with the rope, the whole body goes into motion. “Jumping rope is a very common exercise on an exercise table to warm up and activate the body just before starting to play sports, since you involve every muscle in your body in the exercise”, says Álex García, director of Fit Club Madrid, a ’boutique’ gym for personalized workouts.


  • It helps you lose weight and is a powerful cardiovascular exercise.
  • It engages every muscle in the body and improves endurance.
  • Helps eliminate fluids.
  • Promotes coordination and increases agility and speed.
  • Eliminate stress and improve control of our breathing.

Jumper level

But do not think that jumping rope is “a piece of cake” … It is a sport with different levels and, depending on this, the type of rope used will advance.

Osvaldo Madera, fitness trainer-fitness trainer at Fit Club Madrid, says that there are three levels of jumper:

Beginner. Skipping rope with plastic ‘macaroni’. “The noise the rope makes when it hits the ground is what makes it easy to catch the cadence of the jump. The weight of this rope makes it easier to turn muscularly ”, says the expert.

Middle. At this level, plastic or pvc ropes are used, which are somewhat heavy but not enough to be able to practice some coordination within the jump rope.

Expert. Here, the competition fitness or crossfit ropes are used. «They are 2,5 mm ropes and you have to have very good jumping technique to be able to jump with them. The objective to be achieved with this material is to do double jumps », he says.

Do it with good technique

  • If this is your first time rope jumping, start with the beginner.
  • It begins with a mobilization in the joints, especially in the ankles, wrists and knees.
  • Choose the appropriate material, as well as the length of the rope, which should reach the chest if you step on it with both feet.
  • You should practice it with your back straight, your shoulders relaxed, and your gaze straight ahead.
  • The arms must remain close to the body.
  • The knees have to be slightly bent to absorb the blow and avoid injury.
  • Keep your core activated during the entire training session.

Jumping rope becomes one of the fashionable exercises, thanks to its many benefits and results. For the exclusive Fit Club Madrid gym, this training is part of its essentials when establishing a personalized training table.

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