The technique that helps you not feel enslaved by teleworking
Time management
The «time blocking» method, developed by two Spanish entrepreneurs, allows you to have time for what really matters without losing work efficiency

Everyone priorities in the life. For some it is family, for others the work, for others the money or <strong>success</strong> and for others, the booths, Or the health… However, not everyone stops to think about whether in their day to day making decisions consistent with those priorities, values and objectives. In fact, as explained by Isabel Sánchez and Juanmi Olivares, experts in productivity and high performance from «Más y mejor», this lack of internal analysis is what leads us to avoid responsibilities and make excuses that lead to self-deception.
El confinement to which we are doomed by the threat of coronavirus It may be an ideal time to reflect on those priorities, decide what we want to change and be clear about what we would like to spend our time on once everything is back to normal. And for this it can be useful, according to the experts of «More and Better», to learn the technique of «time blocking».
What is “time blocking” and what is it for?
This productivity technique consists of planning the day in advance and setting aside specific blocks of time to do specific tasks. This allows to increase the commitment and decrease the procrastination. As Juanmi Olivares points out, infinite task lists do not work, for the simple fact that there are always more things to do that encourage you to work more and more. “It is not only important to know what tasks you have to do, but when you are going to do them,” he says.
In addition, applying this technique helps to perform different actions in less time, which will leave more free hours to dedicate to other activities. “For example, now that we are at home – and many teleworking – it will be useful to have more time to play and care for the children, talk with relatives, read or do those things around the house that we are always procrastinating,” says Isabel Sanchez.
To apply the “time blocking” method on a day-to-day basis, experts reveal that it is important to follow these 5 golden rules:
1. Take time to plan
It may seem like an obvious step, but it’s the one that usually costs the most. As Isabel Sánchez explains, it requires “getting out of the day-to-day automatic pilot and stopping doing things aimlessly.”
It’s about taking time to reflect y plan. The goal is to make sure you get on with the right tasks and not get carried away by the “urgencies” of your day.
2. Play tetris and color your plan
What is not in your planning does not exist. Typically, the program for schedule meetings or appointments, but with “time blocking” much more must be used. “The idea is to reserve blocks of time not only for daily tasks or work, but also for other areas of life that are considered important.
“If you do not block the time you want to dedicate to exercising, being with your family or even sleeping, it is very easy for things to take longer than you would like and you do not set limits,” says Juanmi Olivares.
One of the techniques that is helpful is use different colors to better differentiate tasks. By creating an attractive visual calendar, it is possible to have more control over the time available for each thing.
3. Block proactive and reactive tasks
Let’s see what each thing is. Tasks proactiveAccording to Isabel Sánchez, they are “focus tasks” that allow progress in certain projects and require more concentration. These are, without a doubt, the most important and the first that you should block. But on a day-to-day basis we also have tasks reactive like checking email, calls … and for which it will also be necessary to reserve time.
You can group these types of tasks in a single block, by doing «batching»(Batch processing) of tasks. This productivity technique helps optimize time and be more effective. It consists of grouping similar tasks that require the same resources.
4. Most important things first
At the time of doing the planning in blocks of time, you must take into account how the energy changes throughout the day. “Normally, in the early hours of the morning we have more clarity and we are more focused, so take the opportunity to plan the most difficult and important tasks at that time,” says Olivares. For example, reserve the first two hours of the day for tasks that require more concentration and leave a block of time at noon for lighter ones.
5. Adjust the estimates
When you start using the time block technique, you do something that may have never been done before: estimate time that it will take time to finish a task. It is not easy because, when you do not have practice, what usually happens is that what was thought to dedicate an hour, ends up needing two.
«In the beginning, try not to put too many blocks in a day because it will probably take longer than planned. Although it can also happen the other way around: that you plan too much time and you can really finish that task in less, “proposes Isabel Sánchez.
Using blocks during the day forces you to limit the time available for each thing and to be more focused.
The mistakes to avoid
Once we have reviewed the rules for applying “time blocking” on a day-to-day basis, it is convenient to remember other aspects that must be taken into account to guarantee its effectiveness. Thus, productivity experts detail what are the main mistakes that are usually made when trying to internalize this method.
Do not leave room for unforeseen events and do not be flexible. Some people see this technique as a rigid and static method, but as Sánchez and Olivares explain, when applying it it is important to be realistic and know that unforeseen events will arise during the day or it will take longer than estimated to finish a task. “Leaving blocks of time blank can be a good practice to avoid getting frustrated if planning is not achieved,” proposes Isabel Sánchez.
Make micro blocks. You don’t have to go crazy creating fifteen-minute blocks of time and pretending to have every little task planned. The calendar is not designed for that. In addition, one of the objectives of «time blocking» is to avoid multitasking and constantly changing tasks. “Try to define no more than three large blocks a day, which you can combine with a smaller one,” advises Juanmi Olivares.
Not working concentrated and allowing distractions. Planning and strategy are useless if you do not work concentrated, and that person does not make sure that no one bothers you during that block of time.
Put on headphones, put the phone away (or turn it off), close social media and unnecessary tabs. Focus on homework during the allotted time. Don’t worry that someone will be offended if you don’t answer right away. They will get used to it and you will realize that the world does not end because you are not continuously connected ”, proposes Olivares.
The «time killers»
The four most common actions or behaviors that are ruining productivity are:
1. The multitask. The mythical phrase “who covers a lot, little squeezes” here makes a lot of sense. Wanting to do a lot of things at the same time leads us to not focus on any specific task and not to achieve any specific objective.
2. Paralyzing perfectionism. It is common that we also want to get our work to a quality of 10 and, if it can be of 20, the better. But wanting to achieve that perfection usually leads to a blocking which is difficult to remove. Perfectionism does not help us move fast. If we do a job and it never seems good enough, we will postpone its release forever.
3. procrastination. Hand in hand with perfectionism comes procrastination. As we do not stop procrastinating, we make excuses for everything with the sole aim of endlessly postponing “the moment of truth.” Procrastinating is another time thief.
4. Paralysis by analysis. And the infinite loop leads us to give the same song a thousand times, which is perfect for never taking action.
In addition, there are several power leakage points that can affect your life and your productivity. Here are some of those “absorbs energies” that must be kept in mind so that you do not burn:
Absorb energies
- Let other people prioritize your schedule
- Not controlling how you spend your time
- Not respecting your life cycles
- Compare yourself to others
- Neglect your leisure
- Not celebrating or thanking your successes
- Not moving (physically, mentally and emotionally)
- Live half (breathe half)
- Have no focus, no clarity