The teacher could not cope with a difficult teenager and adopted him

And not only himself, but also the younger brother of his most problematic student.

Working at school is still not a profession, but a vocation. The proverb “It is not the gods who burn the pots” does not seem to work here. Chelsea Haley, a young teacher, had no idea how she would feel when she left to teach. She got a really difficult and problematic student – Jerome Robinson.

“Sometimes he behaved in such a way that I understood – that’s it, I can’t take it anymore. I can never work as a teacher, I have to quit everything and quit, this is not mine, “- said Haley in interview.

Jeremy and his younger brother James

The girl was then only 22 years old. And she was not at all ready to re-educate difficult children. And Jeremy regularly brought her to hysterics – teenagers know how to be cruel. Especially when they are confident in their impunity. And Jeremy could be sure of that. His mother would definitely not punish him. She did not pay any attention to either himself or his younger brother James. The brothers spent most of their time with their grandparents. The family lived in complete poverty. The boys’ father died, the mother fell into depression and was not even able to take good care of herself, let alone the children.

Despite her despair, Chelsea somehow found the strength to get up again and go to school, again trying to reach out to the boy who disrupted lessons, bullying other students and with whom no teacher could get along. Two years later, Chelsea suddenly realized that the situation was not so bad anymore. Jeremy was strangely imbued with confidence in her, became calmer and – unthinkable! – began to make progress in his studies.

“One day I woke up in the middle of the night from a strange dream. I saw God and he told me that I should take Jeremy for me. I thought: “What will not dream” – and fell asleep again, ”Chelsea laughs.

In the morning she went to work as usual. Her contract with the school was ending, she soon planned to move to another state. But then something unexpected happened. After school, Jeremy was waiting for her in the hallway. “Can I live with you?” He asked bluntly. Chelsea was dumbfounded. She remembered her dream and realized: this is fate.

The teacher went to Jeremy’s home, talked to his mother.

“You can leave,” the woman said. “But I want you to take my children with you.”

Two months later, Chelsea was already the legal guardian of her student and his younger brother. They left for Georgia, where they have been living for two years. They are doing great, and all of Jeremy’s teachers are proud of Jeremy’s success at school. Some four years ago, the guy was one step away from flying out of school, and now he is preparing to enter school.

“I’m very proud of Jeremy,” Chelsea says. – And James recently came into my room, climbed onto my bed, cuddled up, kissed my forehead and said: “Mommy, you are my best.” Now she is sure: it was not in vain. “I will not trade this happiness for anything – my little family,” Chelsea laughs.

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