The taste of spiders
A spider bite can be deadly poisonous or cause a severe allergic reaction. We will tell you which spiders to be afraid of, and how to provide first aid if the spider still bites

In Russia, there are several types of spiders, the bite of which can pose a serious danger to human life and health.


Karakurt can be recognized by its black color with red spots and an hourglass pattern on the underside of the belly. This bright warning coloration signals danger. The karakurt is mainly found in southern Russia, but can migrate in extreme heat.

– After a bite, a person feels a burning pain throughout the body, swelling and redness occur at the site of the bite. Possible symptoms include: headache, palpitations, increased sweating, muscle spasms, chest tightness, convulsions and tremors, lists surgeon Ilya Efremov.

South Russian tarantula

The South Russian tarantula (or mizgir) is a rather large spider (females reach 30 mm, males 25 mm), whose body is covered with thick hairs. The color of the spider is brown-red above, almost black below. The spider prefers a dry climate, but has recently been found almost throughout Russia.

– The bite of the South Russian tarantula is very painful. After a bite, dizziness, a decrease in pressure, a heart rhythm disorder, and numbness of the extremities develop. Allergy sufferers have a sharp increase in temperature, sore throat, Quincke’s edema, anaphylactic shock, – says Dr. Efremov.


The cross got its name because of the peculiar color: on the back of the spider there are white or light brown spots resembling a cross. Crosses usually settle near water bodies, in forests and parks. In the crowns of trees and between branches, spiders arrange webs of cobwebs and wait for hours nearby for a victim.

– The bite of the cross is not dangerous to humans. At most, weakness may appear for 1 to 2 days and redness with swelling at the site of the bite, says surgeon Ilya Efremov.

yellow sack

Yellow sak lives in steppes and meadows and has the color of scorched grass, as well as huge chelicerae (mouth appendages in the form of claws). The yellow sack is quite aggressive, so don’t get too close to it. Previously, yellow saki mostly lived in the southern regions, but now they are already massively found both in the middle lane and in the north of Russia.

– A bite from a yellow sack can cause a severe allergic reaction, with severe swelling, headaches, weakness, vomiting and nausea. The poison of saka will not lead to death, but it can be quite dangerous for allergy sufferers and children, explains Dr. Efremov.

black fathead

Black fathead (or black erezus) looks very elegant and unusual. From above, its red or dark orange body is decorated with black dots. True, only males can boast of such a colorful appearance, females are usually inconspicuous. They prefer meadows and steppes, where they settle in deep holes.

– The bite of these spiders is very painful, the affected area loses its sensitivity. Symptoms: malaise and stiffness in movements for 2 to 6 days, lists surgeon Efremov.

What does a spider bite look like

It can be quite difficult to notice a spider hiding in the grass or on the ground. Sometimes a person does not even immediately realize that he was bitten by a spider. The bite can be painless and cause quite a lot of pain (for example, if a karakurt or yellow sak bites). A small white spot with a pink and red border forms at the site of the bite, and redness and swelling may increase later.

It should be especially alert if the pain does not go away, but intensifies, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness appear, the temperature and blood pressure rise, and a blister appears at the site of the bite. In these cases, you should immediately seek medical help.

First aid for a spider bite

– Immediately after a spider bite, the victim should be given first aid: wash the wound with clean water and soap to wash the poison (you can try to suck it out, but in no case squeeze it out), disinfect the wound with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, then apply a cold compress or ice . If the bite hit the leg or arm, it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the limb: bandage the leg to the other leg, fix the arm with a scarf in a bent position in order to prevent the poison from spreading throughout the bloodstream, explains surgeon Ilya Efimov.

The victim needs to drink more. If you are in severe pain, you can take a pain reliever (such as ibuprofen) and then see your doctor.

Spider bite treatment

For medical help with a spider bite, you need to contact a traumatologist or surgeon. Treatment may include:

  • antihistamines (corticosteroids);
  • analgesics;
  • the introduction of a special serum (with a bite of a poisonous individual);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Consequences of a spider bite

Deaths from the bites of poisonous spiders in Russia are recorded quite rarely. But the risk of developing a serious allergic reaction after a bite is very high, especially if a child or an allergic person has bitten.

In addition, a spider bite can cause inflammation, suppuration at the site of the bite, and if an infection joins, it can come to an abscess.

Popular questions and answers

For questions regarding spider bites, we asked for answers Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Animal Nutrition Gulnara Tsapalova and surgeon Ilya Efremova.

What spiders are dangerous to humans?
In general, many species of spiders are poisonous, they just differ in the composition of the poison and its toxicity. If the poison is strong, then a spider bite can cause both an allergic reaction (spiders yellow sak, South Russian tarantula, argiope) and death (karakurt).
Are there deadly spiders in Russia?
The deadly spiders, of course, include karakurt. The poison of the karakurt contains toxins that paralyze the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata, because of which a person can simply suffocate if the serum is not injected in time. In addition, the bite of this spider causes very severe muscle pain..

Another spider whose bite can cause a severe allergic reaction is the yellow sack. Its bite causes very severe pain and aching muscles, a person has a fever, a headache, nausea and vomiting appear. The bite site may turn red, blisters may appear.

Unpleasant symptoms most often go away on their own after 2-3 days, but sometimes (especially often in children, the elderly) the condition can worsen greatly, and then you cannot do without medical help.

How to avoid a spider bite
Spiders attack a person only for the purpose of self-defense, so you should not pick up a spider, try to touch it or take it to another place. When going out into nature, do not go barefoot, as spiders can hide in the foliage and grass.

If you decide to spend the night in a tent, be sure to close the canopy, and before going to bed, carefully inspect the tent from the inside, suddenly a spider or other poisonous insects or even snakes crawled inside. Carefully inspect the place where you decide to sit, and also check your shoes and clothes if they were on the ground.

Where to go for a spider bite?
For medical help, you need to contact a traumatologist or surgeon. When bitten by a karakurt, he will inject serum, examine and treat the bite site, and prescribe further treatment.

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