Rumeysy Gelgi is 24 years old, from Turkey, and has been included in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest living woman in the world. Its above-average height is the result of the disease. However, the woman tries to live life to the fullest and says: “accept yourself as you are and be aware of your potential”.
- 24-year-old Turkish woman Rumeysy Gelgi is 215,16 cm tall and has been recognized by experts of the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest living woman in the world
- Her appearance is the result of Weaver syndrome, which causes accelerated growth and other abnormalities
- More information can be found on the Onet homepage
The tallest woman in the world
Rumsey is very happy with the record, and although he uses a wheelchair or walker on a daily basis, he also sees his illness as an opportunity. “Any defect can be beneficial for you, so accept yourself as you are, be aware of your potential and do your best,” she urged in a statement.
Rumeysy Gelgiw in 2014, when she was 18, was recognized as the tallest teenager in the world. Now she has found her again – as the tallest woman in the world. “It is an honor to welcome Rumeysa back to the Book of Records. Her steadfast spirit and pride stand out from the crowd and are an inspiration, said Craig Glenday, editor-in-chief of the Guinness Book of Records.
Gelgi uses its popularity to inform people about rare conditions like Weaver syndrome. The woman notices hersexcessive growth arouses interest in people, but points out that most of them are nice and helpful.
- See also: He was 272 cm. The tallest man in the world performed in a circus
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She herself enjoys spending time with her family, and she also loves swimming because it helps her relax. Her family is very happy and proud of her.
Weaver syndrome
Weaver syndrome is a very rare congenital malformation syndrome, discovered in 1974. Patients are exceptionally tall, have a specific facial appearance (small chin, wide forehead, wide-set eyes, large ears).
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They also suffer from neurological disorders, including epilepsy, speech disorders, and variable intellectual disability.
There is still very little data available on this disease. Only about 50 cases of Weaver syndrome have been described.
The tallest people in the world
The tallest living man in the world, Sultan Kösen, also comes from Turkey and measures 251 cm. The fact that the highest surviving record holders are from the same country is rare. The last time this was in 2009, when Bao Xishun, 236,1 cm, and Yao Defen, 233,3 cm, talled records – both of them were from China.
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The tallest woman ever recorded was Zeng Jinlian of Hunan Province, China, who measured 1982 cm at the time of her death in February 246,3.
See also:
- Diagnostics of growth disorders in children
- The world’s oldest mothers. “If you have a child, you have no death”
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