The symptoms of Side (VIH)
1re phase or primary infection. Symptoms are similar to those of the flu or mononucleosis and are present in about one in two cases. The primary infection can therefore go unnoticed. When they first appear, a person who has just contracted HIV is at particularly high risk of transmitting the virus because the number of viruses in the body (viral load) is particularly high. These symptoms persist for 1 week to 1 month, then disappear.
- Fever ;
- Headache ;
- Sore throat ;
- Redness on the skin;
- Tired ;
- Muscle and joint pain.
2e phase or asymptomatic phase. The HIV-positive person does not show symptoms, even if the virus suppresses the immune system (absence of symptoms).
The symptoms of AIDS (HIV): understand everything in 2 min
3e phase, or phase of AIDS. Symptoms appear because the immune system is overwhelmed by the virus. Some symptoms become more frequent, persistent and sometimes chronic, for example:
- Fever ;
- Night sweats ;
- Significant weight loss;
- Swelling of the glands;
- Persistent diarrhea;
- Skin infections;
- Persistent dry cough;
- Shortness of breath.
At this stage, opportunistic diseases appear. Due to the weakening of the immune system, various diseases can occur, particularly infectious diseases or cancers. We are talking about opportunistic diseases. This phase occurs on average 10 years after the primary infection.