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Coronavirus infection is primarily associated with symptoms similar to flu and colds, such as runny nose, cough, headache, sore throat or back pain. Meanwhile, the list of symptoms frequently reported by patients also includes ailments related to the digestive system. What?

  1. Data collected by British scientists through the ZOE COVID application show that digestive system ailments may suggest infection with Omikron, a variant of SARS-CoV-2 discovered in November last year
  2. These symptoms are not specific and may be completely ignored by us for some time
  3. In the case of gastrointestinal disorders in the course of infection, it is worth ensuring the hydration of the body, and the prolonged lack of appetite should be reported to the doctor – doctors encourage
  4. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

From the beginning of the pandemic, the list of symptoms of coronavirus infection was primarily fever, cough, headache, shortness of breath. Specialists also pointed to the loss of smell and taste and skin symptoms. Currently, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) call COVID-19 a systemic disease, because the virus can attack any human organ. So it’s no surprise that the list of COVID-19-related symptoms continues to grow.

  1. The 20 most common symptoms of COVID-19. Among them, the popular symptom of Omicron

Gastrointestinal problems on the symptom list

ZOE COVID is a research project funded by a grant from the UK Department of Health and Human Services where data is analyzed by a joint team from ZOE and King’s College London. It is attended by over 4 million participants, i.e. people who report their ailments when they are ill. On this basis, the authors of the project can therefore establish and update a list of the most common symptoms, as well as lists of symptoms for specific sex or age groups. Data from the application indicate gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea, stomach aches and nausea can be symptoms of COVID-19. Scientists at ZOE COVID have recently recorded a “sharp increase” in the number of people reporting similar symptoms due to a coronavirus infection.

  1. Omicron in the vaccinated. Eight symptoms and two warning signs

The UK Health Service (NHS) still lists high temperature, cough, loss of smell or taste, and runny nose among the main symptoms of COVID-19. However, signs that should also alert you are next gastrointestinal discomfort, loss of appetite and skipping meals.

See also: These two symptoms could indicate that you are infected with the Omikron variant

Prolonged appetite problems are cause for concern

British experts have formulated some advice for people who are struggling with coronavirus infection and who experience problems with the digestive system as a result. «Let’s not force ourselves to eat if we don’t feel like it, but it is very important to drink fluids and to replenish any water lost in fighting infection«. And they add: “Short-term loss of appetite due to feeling unwell doesn’t have to be a cause for concern in people under the age of 65. However, the constant loss of appetite in the elderly should be discussed with the family doctor ».

Have you been infected with COVID-19 and are worried about the side effects? Check your health by completing a comprehensive research package for convalescents.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. The earliest symptom of an Omicron. You can hear it
  2. When can I safely “go out to people” after Omicron and I will not infect anyone? We review research and expert advice
  3. Mild Omicron? WHO: Half a million people have died since its discovery

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