The symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease can be seen on the skin. Seven warning signs [LIST]

Hashimoto’s is an insidious autoimmune disease that is really complicated to detect. Symptoms may concern the functioning of the entire body – we will see them, among others in unjustified weight gain, constant fatigue or mood swings, with depression tendencies. These symptoms occur in the course of many other diseases, which is why the matter becomes much more complicated. Other quite characteristic symptoms that can draw our attention are changes in the skin. Find out about the possible cutaneous manifestations of Hashimoto’s disease.

  1. Hashimoto’s is a disease of women, cases among men are few
  2. The disease affects the thyroid gland, but it affects the functioning of the entire body
  3. It also has many symptoms, affecting different areas of the body and organs. It is worth knowing them to react in time
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Hashimoto’s – a disease that is difficult to detect

Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, known more widely as hashimoto’s, is a disease that mainly affects women. It is estimated that every eighth Polish resident is struggling with it. The diagnosis of ailments is not easy, and late detection of the problem may have serious consequences, including problems with getting pregnant. In older women, the lack of treatment may generate a greater risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and obesity, which are a direct threat to life.

Untreated Hashimoto’s has additional consequences – hypothyroidism. When the thyroid gland does not work properly, it leads to many unpleasant ailments that affect the functioning of the entire body. In addition to weakness, weight gain, mood swings, lack of energy or heavy bleeding during menstruation, inflammation of the thyroid gland can also be seen on the skin.

A proper diet, tailored to the body’s needs, is helpful in reducing the symptoms of Hashimoto’s. Complete a short questionnaire and check the personalized diet plan for yourself.

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Hashimoto’s disease manifests itself on the skin – learn about the seven common symptoms

The slower metabolism that occurs in the course of hypothyroidism as a result of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis not only causes weight gain. The skin also suffers from this, becoming rougher and drier. This is one of the first problems that appears on the body of a person struggling with the autoimmune disease in question.

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You can buy a test package for Hashimoto’s disease for PLN 129

However, that’s not all that should get our attention. In addition to skin dryness and peeling, the characteristic symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease that can be seen on the skin include:

  1. change in skin color – in the course of hashimoto it becomes more yellow;
  2. cold body, hands and feet;
  3. peeling of the skin;
  4. keratosis of the heels and skin on the elbows;
  5. blue stains with a slight red tint, also called marbling of the skin;
  6. swelling that most often affects the legs, hands, face and even arms.

Dry skin is an easily explainable situation. Lack of the right amount of fluids, less concern for moisturizing the body or inappropriate selection of cosmetics are just a few of the simple reasons that can effectively lull our vigilance. However, if you notice other marks on your skin, such as a yellowish tinge, marbling or swelling, be sure to discuss them with your doctor. You may find that these skin problems are symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease.

Other Hashimoto’s symptoms you should know

Incorrect functioning of the thyroid gland disturbs the functioning of the whole organism. This is a fact that cannot be denied. In addition to the skin symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease, muscle and joint pain, problems with concentration and memory, lethargy, fatigue, deterioration of hair condition and hair loss, slow bowel function, annoying constipation, weight gain, despite taking care of diet or food portions, should also be of concern.

In addition to the above-mentioned signs that may lead to suspicion of Hashimoto’s disease, the changes appearing on the nails also deserve attention. These can be related to their structure (brittle, weak nails) and color (the yellow discoloration of the plate, called yellow nail syndrome, or the appearance of vertical lines).

Do you have Hashimoto’s disease and its symptoms are making it difficult for you to function normally? Try a personalized menu, thanks to which you will improve your well-being, health condition and lose unnecessary kilograms. Click and check the diet plan for people with Hashimoto’s.

How to recognize Hashimoto’s? Diagnosis

After noticing disturbing skin conditions (and not only), which may indicate chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, you should see a specialist. The endocrinologist will order specific tests and check whether the thyroid gland is enlarged. The recommended tests to detect Hashimoto’s disease are:

  1. Thyroid ultrasound;
  2. determination of the level of thyrotropin (TSH);
  3. anti-TPO – testing for the presence of thyroid antibodies.

You can buy the entire package of tests to check the work of the thyroid gland at – check the offer HERE.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, Olga Komorowska, sound therapist, voice trainer and singer, will talk about what sound therapy is all about. What are the benefits of “faking”, what is vibrotherapy and how is sound wave transmitted? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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