The symptoms of cancer that can be seen on the face. When they do appear, I rush to research

Cancer is an insidious disease that can stay silent for months. We also often develop unusual symptoms that we simply ignore. Mistake! If you notice any change in your appearance, be sure to consult your doctor. It turns out that some cancers can manifest themselves on the face. What should attract our attention? We advise!

  1. Neoplasms can manifest themselves in a rather non-obvious way. Often the changes affect our face
  2. One example of such a tumor is lung cancer. It can make our face swollen and red
  3. If we notice any changes in our appearance, we should consult our doctor
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Lung cancer manifests itself in the face

The latest entry on gives food for thought. In it, experts suggested that there are non-obvious symptoms of cancer that are most often ignored (especially by women). “Some lung cancer patients notice swelling or redness in their face,” experts say. However, hardly anyone connects it with cancer.

How is it possible that lung cancer shows up in this way? “The explanation for this is that small-cell lung tumors often block the blood vessels in the chest, preventing blood from flowing freely from the head and face,” we read in the post. The tumor often presses against the vein that leads from the head to the heart. As a result, the patient may experience swelling of the face and neck.

These changes can also occur with several other types of cancer.

Find out if you’re at risk of cancer

Don’t wait – get tested. At Medonet Market you will find research packages from the patient:

  1. oncology package for women
  2. oncology package for men

Other tumors that may show up on the face

One of them are, for example, carcinoids, or neuroendocrine tumors that grow in neuroendocrine cells. They are responsible for transmitting signals through the release of hormones. Thus, they help in the functioning of the body. When the cells are attacked by the cancer, symptoms of hot, red cheeks may appear on the face. They may be accompanied by diarrhea and wheezing.

Squamous cell carcinoma can also change the way our face looks. It is a skin cancer. Symptoms primarily affect parts of the face that are often exposed to the sun.

How can I reduce my risk of developing cancer?

While there is no one effective way to completely minimize your risk of cancer, fortunately there are several preventive measures. Some of them are:

  1. do not smoke,
  2. avoid alcohol,
  3. do not expose the body to sunlight,
  4. remember about the daily dose of exercise,
  5. follow the rules of a healthy diet,
  6. keep a slim figure,
  7. get enough sleep
  8. provide the body with an appropriate dose of vitamin D.

Also, remember to perform regular examinations, especially morphology. Thanks to this, the doctor will be able to spot any irregularities in time and implement treatment. Remember, time is the most important thing in cancer. uPatient offers an E-packet for everyone – preventive examinations in the minimum, medium or maximum version, which can be performed at the facility (600 points all over Poland) or use home blood collection.

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