The Swan Tale – A Sad Story of a Proud Bird

😉 Greetings to my regular and new readers of the site “Ladies-Gentlemen”! This short story about a swan is a life story told by my old friend Nikolai Petrovich.

A sad story of a proud bird

Once upon a time, Nikolai Petrovich worked as a duty officer at a railway station in a small town. Now this station no longer exists, only an abandoned building reminds of the fact that once there were trains.

One autumn a white swan came to the station. Where he came from there so no one understood. Indeed, at the time of cold weather, they fly away to warm lands, and when spring comes, they return.

Handsome, stately, with a proud gait, he walked along the platform, touching the drivers and local residents.

No one knew what to do with him, so he was left to live in the duty officer’s room. Hearing the sounds of an approaching train, the swan ran out into the street, and together with the attendant met and saw off the trains. They fed the “guest” with poultry compound feed, vegetables and bread.

Some of the employees decided to get a dog, which was also “registered” in the duty room next to the snow-white pet of the public. The dog immediately took him for a friend, did not offend him and did not even bark in his direction. But the next night the swan went outside and never came back.

A week later, a dead bird was found on the lake – the unfortunate one simply froze, because winter was approaching, and outside the window there were cold autumn nights. Probably, being a proud and wayward bird, he thought that they found a replacement for him and no one needed him anymore. Offended and went into a dark night …

Everyone knows that this is a majestic bird of royal beauty and divine grace. She is able to cause admiration not only for her beautiful plumage, but also for her incredible posture. Today, these beautiful birds are a symbol of chastity, proud loneliness, nobility and spiritual purity.

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