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Covid statistics from the last few days clearly show a downward trend – there are fewer infections than a dozen or so days ago. Today there are 556 infections. The summer tide seems to be coming down and the situation is stabilizing. However, this is the end of the good news. The high number of deaths we saw during the holidays indicates that our resistance to COVID-19 is very low. This is a bad prognosis for the upcoming fall, during which the next wave of cases is likely to come.

  1. The Ministry of Health (MZ) informed about 556 new infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus
  2. No patient died from COVID-19
  3. 3241 tests were performed for the presence of the coronavirus
  4. This week, a decision is to be made to start registration for the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for all adults
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in Poland. The latest covid data from the Ministry of Health

The report of the Ministry of Health shows that 556 people infected with the coronavirus arrived. 75 fell ill with COVID-19 again (referred to as reinfection). No patient infected with SARs-CoV-2 died. 3241 tests were performed for the presence of the coronavirus.

The greatest number of cases was recorded in the following voivodships: Mazowieckie, Śląskie and Małopolskie. The statistics for these regions can be found below, and you can check the number of infections in other provinces HERE.

Today’s statistics concern Sunday – a day when fewer tests for the presence of coronavirus are usually performed (the weekend epidemiological situation is better represented by the report published by the health ministry on Tuesdays). Nevertheless a decrease in the number of new infections was visible already in the second half of last week. After Tuesday’s peak (6176 infections) on Wednesday, there were less than 4,4 thousand cases, and then the numbers fell below 4 thousand. (approx. 3,8 thousand in the next two days). The chart clearly illustrates the downward trend – the summer wave of infections is clearly declining.

Our resistance to COVID-19 is not the best

More worrying is the number of deaths, which remain high during the summer wave. Last week, it was from 23 to even 40 deaths a day. We are talking about a high level, even though the statistics used to be much worse, because in the current situation (milder variants of SARS-CoV-2, better immunity, easier access to immunization) the number of deaths should be much lower – and this is the case in many European countries .

This is especially true in those countries where the public has trusted experts and flocked to vaccination sites knowing that the vaccine protects against severe COVID-19 and reduces the risk of dying from the disease. A good example is Portugal, where the vaccination rate is 86,5%. (the booster was adopted by almost 67% of people). The average of infections in the last seven days there is over 2,1 thousand. There are several deaths a day, and there are times when they are not recorded at all.

In our place the vaccination coverage rate has been almost the same for months – the primary vaccination cycle is behind only 59,6 percent. people, and only every third Pole applied for the booster (32,5 percent). Moreover, these vaccinations are not “fresh”. Most Poles got vaccinated or vaccinated at the turn of the year, when both in Poland and in other countries, the Omikron variant was “crazy”.

Unfortunately, according to the latest research, protection after vaccination drops significantly after about six months. This means that most of us are much more likely to contract the coronavirus than it was a few months or even weeks ago. The good news is that the vaccine still protects us from a severe course of infection (our immune response works long term).

However, we must take into account the fact that COVID-19 “finds” us in various health conditions, often weakened by chronic stress, overworked, lacking sleep, not eating healthy, not being physically active. In such conditions, we are more susceptible to infection and exposed to a longer fight against the disease itself.

Therefore, the call of doctors is still the same: let’s vaccinate. Those who still have not decided on this type of protection should sign up for the first dose. For those who have already completed the basic vaccination cycle, boosters are waiting: the first for all adults and teenagers, the second for people 60+.

You are not sure if your ailments indicate COVID-19? Reach for a convenient antigen test that you can do yourself at home. You will find it in Medonet Market.

The latest information from the Ministry of Health shows that this week a decision will be made on the fourth dose (i.e. the second booster / second booster dose) for all adult Poles.

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