The successes of 2007

The successes of 2007

Towards schools without junk food

In September 2007, the Quebec government made a resolution for 2008: eliminate junk food from food vending machines and menus offered in elementary and secondary schools in Quebec. The framework policy unveiled by the government does not only focus on schools: it also targets parents, many of whom prepare lunch boxes …

  • Healthy shift in schools: eat better and move more


A unique initiative: millions dedicated to health

Projects intended to get young people under 18 to be active and eat better can count on large-scale financial assistance: the Fund for the promotion of healthy lifestyles. A unique initiative from the Government of Quebec and the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation, which are joining forces to promote a healthier society.

  • A fund for the promotion of healthy lifestyles


Finally, here it is: Canada’s New Food Guide

No less than 15 years have passed between the old version and the new version of Canada’s Food Guide. A guide that has been updated according to the different social realities that make up the country, but also according to the age groups of the population.

  • Fruits and vegetables are overtaking grain products

Nutritionist Hélène Baribeau, among others, praised the importance that Health Canada now attaches to omega-3s as well as to vitamin D intake.

  • His comments on Canada’s new Food Guide


Soon less salt on our plates?

Processed foods often contain too much salt, putting the cardiovascular health of many Canadians at risk. In 2008, the government should also adopt a plan to fight sodium, which is found in products that are often unsuspected.

  • Ottawa creates dietary salt intake working group
  • Hypertension: salt, the enemy to avoid
  • Our factsheet on hypertension


Citronella insect repellant rehabilitated

It took three years for Health Canada to make amends and finally admit, it is true, that the insect repellant made from citronella oil poses no risk to human health.

  • Citronella insect repellents: no health hazard



Martin LaSalle – PasseportSanté.net


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