The success of Food Delivery

There are many factors that make this new concept of gastronomy triumph not only among the younger population.

Whenever something new in a sector triumphs, is overcome or simply suffers an unexpected boom, we try to find the reasons for this dynamism and in this case we could put together many factors, that which cooking recipe would make us mix them and cook them over low heat, to be able to reach the definitive conclusion of the boom in this way of eating and enjoying the gastronomy.

Do we make or buy it?

We have been seeing for years how the socio-labor relationship of food and citizenship suffered a sock, due to working hours, lack of time at home to prepare or simply new consumption habits, which made us repeat a menu of a establishment constantly.

But the crisis that started now 8 years ago, has unleashed different hypotheses than those of several creative and very innovative companies in the sector of the Take Away and Delivery, make us rethink these concepts as unique …

The lack of work has made people spend more time at home, then the conciliation was already forced, and the expenditure on catering during meal times was falling rapidly according to the sectoral data of the last 5 years, together with the monetary adjustment of the families in consumption outside the home.

The entrepreneurship of companies immersed in the technology sector that insisted that we should eat in a restaurant but at home, little by little we were discovering that a single partner offered us the widest menu that we could have ever imagined. And without having the mailbox full of papers …?

Two are the main players in this technological breakthrough. What are currently operating with their brands, boosted in many cases by acquisitions, and which account for 90% of the orders for food delivery.

  • Just EAT (Danish company that already operates in more than 15 countries and serves more than 50 million food annually)
  • The RED Refrigerator (Spanish with character that continues to add partners in its portfolio of takeovers as was and, and the number of encrypted users continues to increase by more than 200.000)

What do they offer to the user?

The irruption of mobile phones in the last decade has made this traveling companion gradually become the main actor in digital applications and of course in the new digital marketing tools in the hands of brands.

Both companies focused their activity on captivating the hungry user in a true online food predator at home, and more than 60% of the orders generated by the two platforms are generated with the samrtphone.

They offer, speed, a wide offer with innumerable varieties and types of thematic, traditional, etc …

The service is free, transferring the entire cost structure to the restaurant, but this in turn has seen its “room ”In hundreds of thousands of potential consumers, who either due to laziness, cost or simply the opportunity, decide to buy and consume without leaving their home.

What will be next? We have already seen Street food and colunching … now this concept of food shopping we will see if it is compatible with the growing trend of Social Food.

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