The strangest phobias: lahanophobia

Thousands of British people suffer from an inexplicable fear of vegetables, according to the British press. This fear is so strong that many people cannot eat properly and have various health difficulties.

The newspaper cites the example of 22-year-old student Vicky Larrier. As the girl admits, she experiences an overwhelming fear at the sight of any vegetables – her pulse quickens, she begins to sweat and panic. The girl had panic attacks as a child. Many children have a dislike for vegetables, but this is usually due to the fact that they do not like the taste of carrots or cabbage. But in the case of the student, we are talking about lahanophobia – an irrational fear of vegetables.

Larrier says he is doing his best to overcome his fear. Due to the inability to eat vegetables and even keep them at home, she eats meat, fruits and grains. In addition, the phobia prevents her from going to restaurants and supermarkets.

As journalists found out, several thousand people suffer from such a phobia in the UK. In some cases, the problem is so great that people cannot even look at pictures of vegetables – otherwise they will have seizures.

Some irrational fears are manifested in 13 percent of the UK population, that is, in more than seven million inhabitants of the country.

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