the story of a girl who did not believe in God

🙂 Hello dear readers! “How I was baptized” is the story of a girl who was skeptical about all types of manifestations of higher powers and did not believe in God. What made her go to church?

I was born and raised in a family of cynical and pragmatic people. There is nothing for them: neither saint nor supernatural. I was not baptized in the church, but this did not stop me from living.

I met a young man named Roman at a friend’s house. He told many interesting stories, in which I, of course, did not believe. Well, where can brownies, gobies and waterbirds come from? Such a modern and smart guy, but he believes in all sorts of nonsense.

Night at your beloved

My skepticism did not prevent me from falling in love with Roma, and he with me. We started dating. I visited Roma at home. In addition to him, there was also a sister, Anechka, in the family. She always looked into my eyes very carefully until I started to fidget.

Once I stayed overnight with my beloved. The first time at night I woke up from the fact that my hair was choking me. I loved to wear long, loose hair. In some incomprehensible way, they tangled around my neck and pressed tightly on it with every movement. This was repeated twice that night.

Barely waiting for morning, I immediately went to my home.

Two weeks later we came to Roman again. His sister came up to me and said

– Our brownie doesn’t love you, he wants you to be baptized.

I silently listened to the girl, but I thought to myself that she was talking nonsense. And then Anya cries out:

– This is not nonsense !!! Get baptized or don’t come here anymore !!

Roman stood up for me, and my parents apologized and took the girl away. That night I did not spend the night with my beloved. Citing ill health, I went to my home. Over the next month, I tried not to stay with Roman and was very afraid of his sister.

Temple of God

Once I was walking past a church, and some force pulled me to go into the temple. I was dressed like most modern people – jeans and a blouse. Of course, I was not wearing any headscarf or long skirt.

I went to church. Two grandmas immediately rushed to cut me. One lamented that it was impossible in this form to the temple of God, and the second began to silently push me out. Then a priest appeared and stood up for me. We stepped aside with him and, unexpectedly for myself, I blurted out that I wanted to be baptized.

Father explained to me what baptism is, how and what to do. A week later I was baptized. I did not tell anyone about my baptism.

That evening, Roman and I again came to his house. A beaming Anechka threw herself into my arms. No one understood her joy. Nobody except me.

Soon Roma and I got married and began to live with his family. No brownies bothered me anymore.

Friends, I would be grateful for any comments on the article “How I was baptized: the story of a girl who did not believe in God”. Until next time on the site! 🙂 Come for new stories!

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