The story of a confession from life: what grievances lead to

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Friends, this is the story of a confession from life that a priest once told.

Confession of a parishioner

Once a parishioner of about forty came to my confession. The woman said that when she was 10 years old, her father left the family. For thirty years she had hatred for him, cursed and did not want to see him again. All these years, the man tried in vain to establish contact with his daughter, but she stubbornly refused and ignored him.

Years passed, my father was gone. And now she came to confess to remove the stone from her soul:

– I understand that this is wrong, but the resentment against my father lives in me. I can’t do anything about it.

I answered her in a fairly standard way:

– Pray, repent of the sin of rancor. After all, holding a grudge against a deceased parent is a great sin.

Sin before mother

After a short silence, she talked about her childhood. And she mentioned that she had stolen 5 rubles from her mother’s wallet. I asked her:

– Have you asked for forgiveness?

– No, – answers, – somehow it was a shame to admit.

– Be sure to ask for forgiveness!

The parishioner tried to object:

– But my mother lives in the village, outside the city, it’s hard to get there. She is 80 years old, she will not remember anything.

I keep on insisting:

– It doesn’t matter, you must definitely go to your mother, ask for forgiveness for that act.


A week later, this woman came again. She was depressed and cried uncontrollably. Somehow calming down, she said that having arrived in the village to see her mother, she confessed her sin:

– Mom, as a child, I stole 5 rubles from your wallet. I went to confession, told the priest about it. But he told me to ask you for forgiveness.

Mother shed tears and told the following story:

– Before, your dad drank a lot, went into binges for a whole month. And when he drank all his money, he began to steal from me. In the end, I got tired of it and I kicked him out of the house. But he returned the same day, fell at his feet, asked for forgiveness, cried and begged for one last chance.

I agreed and accepted it back, but with one condition. If he gets drunk even once or if my money is lost, we will part completely. He agreed. I quit drinking and found a job. But soon I discovered that 5 rubles had disappeared from my wallet.

I asked you if you took the money? You answered that you did not touch them. Remembering my husband’s past spree, I lashed out at him with accusations. We had a big fight then. Immediately after the scandal, my father got ready and left home. Since then, he has not appeared again. Then you were 10 years old.

When the woman found out the truth about her father’s departure, the resentment that she had carried in herself for many years disappeared. Her place was taken by a deep sense of guilt towards her parents and heartache for a lifetime of late forgiveness.

Let’s look at this story objectively, what is five rubles? Not so much money, even for those distant times. But it is from such little things that our whole life is formed.


  • do not steal;
  • never cheat;
  • do not carry resentment in your soul.

😉 If you liked this real life confession story, please share with your friends on social networks. It is important! There will be less resentment in the world!

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