The stimulator protects against vomiting

An electronic stimulator acting on the stomach can help people with severe digestive disorders – informs the EurekAlert service.

Persistent vomiting can even be life-threatening in some cases. They occur, among others, in diabetes and stomach diseases, as well as during pregnancy and as a side effect of cancer chemotherapy.

Scientists from the Sahlgrenska academy at Gothenburg University conducted a study on 27 people with persistent vomiting. Of these 22, temporary electrical stimulation through the skin was successful, of which 20 underwent permanent implantation of the stimulator electrodes into the stomach. The operation was successful in 90 percent of the cases. In another study, in a group of 16 patients, electrical stimulation reduced the number of days spent in the hospital.

The electrode implantation procedure is performed under local anesthesia and requires only a small incision in the skin – it may be possible to refine the technique and perform laparoscopic surgery. The stimulator itself is located outside the body, which greatly simplifies its operation and power supply. It seems that the signals from the electrodes affect not only the stomach, but also the brain.

Electronic stimulators have already been used in the treatment of heart disease, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and even bladder dysfunction (PAP).

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