The State Duma will consider a bill to postpone the beginning of the academic year on October 1.
A group of deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party came forward with a legislative initiative the other day. On the eve of the beginning of the school year, the people’s representatives came to the conclusion that the trip to school could be postponed … until October 1.
Moreover, the deputies explain that September 1 will remain the official day of the start of studies. The decision on whether or not to shift the beginning of the school year, as well as its end, by a month, will be made locally – in each separate city or region.
“We propose to shift the academic year and vacation by a month,” Vadim Dengin, the first deputy head of the LDPR faction in the State Duma, told Parlamentskaya Gazeta. – That is, the year can begin on October 1, and the holidays from July 1. We also propose to increase inter-quarter vacations. “
The deputies claim that they were asked for such a schedule in the regions. They say that our country is large and such a methodology will allow a more flexible approach to solving the issue of the beginning and end of the school year in schools, taking into account the climatic and other characteristics of a particular territory.
The bill has not yet been considered by the State Duma, this will happen during the autumn session. But it is already obvious that a lot of spears will be broken. The Public Chamber has already spoken out against: they believe that this proposal is nothing more than cheap populism. But surely there will be those who will support the initiative.
Opinion “for”
Natalya Nikolaeva, mother of a student: “Every year we are late for school for a week, or even two. I inform the teachers, as a rule, they do not mind. In September, prices at the resorts are noticeably lower, and seasonal activity decreases. And the road is cheaper. In the south, in September, it is still warm like summer, and this is how we extend the summer. So, if we have the opportunity not to go to school legally, we will only be glad! “
– Even three months of rest for schoolchildren is a lot. In most European countries, the holidays are much shorter (see “And how are they”. – Approx. Wday). As a result, children become discouraged and then pour into the educational process for a long time. And the program for today’s schoolchildren is very rich, the children are overwhelmed. Imagine if they will have to acquire the entire volume of knowledge under the new law not in nine months, but in eight. This is how our children will grow up to be tortured adults. And for parents, an extra month of vacation is additional costs and extra hassle. We’ll have to think about where to attach the child for September as well.
And how are they
In European countries, a floating timetable for the start of studies has long been practiced – from mid-August to the 20th of September. This is done mainly in order to unload the roads, since most people prefer to travel by car. However, the holidays usually start later.
Least of all rest in the summer in Britain – only a month and a half. So, this year the British holidays began on July 27 and will end on August 31.
Schoolchildren take a little longer “vacation” France… This year, the holidays began there on July 9, and the children will sit at the school desk on September 4.
В Germany there are no clear dates for the beginning and end of the holidays. Each federal district decides for itself. However, even there they will not be allowed to rest for three months. The academic year usually ends on the 20th of July, and begins in the first, maximum second week of September.
Do you think it is necessary to postpone September 1?
Not necessary! September 1 is not just a date, but a tradition
No! Think about graduation classes – this is how they will take exams all summer
Another stupidity of officials: just to say something loudly
More vacation – more load. How much more?
Why not? Children need more rest
Good idea. In September, the sea is velvet season
Irina Volga, Ksenia Voronezhtseva